Episode 28: The Makluan Hunt begins.

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Takumi Sakai smiled as he walked out of the front door of Hosu General Hospital, now released and free to go. He now had the rest of his internship to spend on upgrading his armors. Luckily, with his main armor now fully compatible with the newly made Iron Tracers, he could now work on updating the Silver Centurion armor, which didn't take much damage from the fight against Stain.
'Now that my main armor is compatible with the tracers, I have an armor that can keep track of escaped villains.' Takumi thought before his phone started to ring.

Takumi took his phone out of his pocket and saw that the caller was Peter Parker, the civilian identity of his newest mentor, The Amazing Spider-Man! Takumi quickly answered the phone.
"Hey, Mr. Parker, what's up?" Takumi asked.

"Did you know that you keep getting messages from people sliding them under your hotel room door? Most of the messages might be letters from fans who has somehow found out where you've been staying since we arrived at Hosu, but that's not why I called. You got another message from that Zhang guy from the antique store." Peter informed his new student. This caught Takumi's attention, as he briefly wondered how the teen had managed to find him to begin with.

"Did you open it? What does it say?" Takumi asked before Spider-Man landed in front of him and handed him the note before hanging up the phone call.

"I didn't see it, but considering the last time you and him spoke, he knew all about the Makluan Rings and about you being the Son of Assassins, I figured whatever he said is important." Spider-Man replied.

Takumi opened the note and started to read it.
I know you've been busy since the recent villain attack here in Hosu City, but I have some urgent news for you. It's too dangerous to discuss this over a note! You know where to find me.

What made Takumi feel extremely worried was the fact that Zhang felt like whatever they needed to discuss would be too dangerous to discuss over a note. Takumi looked up at Spider-Man.
"Zhang said he needs to tell me something, but it's too dangerous to discuss it in a note. I need to go to the antique shop." Takumi told Spider-Man.

"It's a bit far from here, we'll get there faster suited up... or rather with you suited up since I'm already suited up," Spider-Man responded. Takumi nodded before he activated his main armor and the two started to head to the antique shop.

Wilson Fisk read about Endeavor's supposed battle with Stain with interest from a Japanese newspaper when he read something that made him growl in anger. The article mentioned that Spider-Man had taken down a good number of the Nomu that had attacked Hosu City, and just seeing the name of the one who had given Fisk no choice but to leave the United States had made his rage flare. Part of the reason Fisk had moved to Japan was to finally escape the webslinger's notice. He had figured with a light in the world as bright as All Might's was, no one would notice if he became a large shadow in Japan. Now Spider-Man had come to Japan, all because he had supposedly picked up a student... the one known as Iron Man. Fisk wanted tear the paper up upon learning of Spider-Man's new student. According to one of Fisk's associates, Mr. Fix, it had been Iron Man who had helped Black Widow liberate her mother and had, in turn, helped free her from his control. Fisk thought that UA had made a huge mistake in making Iron Man reveal his identity when he was revealed to have became a hero student at the Sports Festival. Now he knew the name and face of the latest future victim of his vengeance. Ever since Iron Man won the Sports Festival, Fisk had been thinking of ways to break the Iron Man. He considered everything from sending hitmen to kill everyone he loved to kidnapping the boy and sending him to some desert to die a slow cooked death. Fisk tossed the newspapers aside and grabbed a list of hitmen he has worked with in the past. As Fisk looked through the list, one man had caught his attention.
"I wonder how he would feel about taking a trip to Japan." Fisk commented before he looked at his phone, which had informed him that he had a new email.

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