Episode 33: The trial of drawn lines

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When Takumi, Peter, and Zhang were dropped off to Japan and went on their separate ways, Takumi wasted no time in studying the now activated Makluan Ring in his possession. Due to the fact that there were more resources there, Takumi went to the UA support labs to run analysis of the rings make up and specifications. As Takumi was researching the ring, a man in a suit walked into the lab. Takumi tried to pay the random man no mind, clearly with the security system UA had, this had to be someone either tied with the school or the world of Pro Heroes, but the boy still started to feel uneasy when the well-dressed man started to approach him.
"Excuse me, Mr. Sakai, but it looks to me that you are being called to stand before the Hero Commission regarding the Iron Man weapon." The man in the suit told the teen. This surprised Takumi. The Hero Commission wanted to see him about his armor?

"Excuse me, what?" Takumi asked in disbelief. The man in the suit rephrased his statement.

"You are to appear before the Hero Commission today at 1:00 in order to discuss the Iron Man weapon."

'The last time someone called the Iron Man armor a mere weapon, it was because they wanted to take the armor away from me.' Spirit Tony reminded Takumi. The young man felt his heart sink at realizing that this might be the same type of situation. He knew that there would be some sticklers who would always be against the emergence of a quirkless hero, but he didn't think he'd have to deal with the Hero Commission so soon. In fact, he thought being accepted into UA's hero program and winning the Sports Festival would grant him enough credit to avoid this time of confrontation altogether!

The man in the suit then left the support lab, leaving a stunned Takumi behind.
"Those jerks only gave me a few hours to prepare for what they might say!" Takumi growled in frustration once he got out of his stunned stupor.

Many Pro Heroes and other individuals made their way to the courthouse. While this trial had caught many people off guard, the President of the Commission had this whole thing set up the moment she had learned that Spider-Man and Iron Man had gone to America. What Madame President hadn't expected, however, was the fact that many of the Pro Heroes who came to attend the upcoming trial had come in support of Iron Man. However, this became quite clear as the media wasted no time in eating this whole thing up, interviewing any Pro Hero who arrived at the doors of the courthouse. Madame President made sure to watch these interviews in her office on the news to get an idea where the public and their heroes stood, and it unnerved Madame President how many Pro Heroes expressed their support for the former vigilante turned hero student. The Hulk, the Fantastic Four, the X-Men, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, and most of the teaching staff at UA High School... including the number one hero himself, All Might! As if All Might opposing the Commission's demand to have Takumi Sakai relinquish the Iron Man armor wasn't stressful enough, agents of SHIELD arrived and even the director of the whole organization, Nick Fury himself, came to voice their support of quirkless hero in training.
"As the Director of SHIELD, a worldwide agency that has to keep the common laws of the world enforced, I understand that the Commission hopes to use Sakai's past as an illegal vigilante to turn the public against him in order to justify them potentially taking the Iron Man armor away from him. The thing is, I find it to be a VERY dirty and underhanded tactic, waiting until Sakai is too busy to create a solid defense of his actions and views before nailing down and forcing the boy to appear before the court." Nick Fury said, expressing his disapproval of the methods the Hero Commission was taking to make things more difficult for Takumi.

"The official reason for this trail is supposedly that the Hero Commission believes that a device like the Iron Man armor is too dangerous for a teenager to handle, but let's be honest with ourselves. They do not fool us. Everyone knows that the real reason why this trail is happening is because there are those in the Commission that are prejudiced against quirkless people, and the Commission now seeks to make an example of Takumi Sakai. The Heroes that are here today in support of Sakai understand the importance Iron Man is gaining in this world, and to the quirkless community, and we all agreed to stand alongside the quirkless community." Charles Xavier spoke calmly to the report interviewing him.

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