Chp. 12: Unwanted Visitor

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Jade POV

'W-what? I'm a ghost? But I'm alive! My breathing, well alive body is sitting right there! But I'm like this!?'

I ran towards the hospital bed and jumped, diving right on top of my body.

'Please go back, please go back, please go back!'

I dove right through myself, and the bed, and fell onto the floor.

'Ouch. Wait, no. I didn't feel that. I'm a ghost.'

I stood up, and my head poked up through the bed sheets. I got up all of the way and walked away from my half-dead body. Looking around the room, I noticed that all of the doctors had left, just leaving Beck and the gang. He was sat right next to me holding my hand, while the others were back on the couches.

I took a couple steps closer to Beck, and the look on his face was full of sadness and fear.

I know he is a major reason as to why I tried to off myself, but I still couldn't stand to see him like this. I do still love him, for whatever strange reason.

'Maybe I should have let Beck explain himself before I left his RV. I'm sure he doesn't like Tori like he likes me. Once I return to my body, I'll forgive him and give us another shot.'

Happy with my decision, I walked over to one of the couches, and took a seat right next to her. When I sat down, she shivered.

"Did it just get cold in here all of a sudden?"

They all looked at her like she was crazy.

"Nah, I'm warm. It must just be you." Andre was sat at the opposite side of the room.

Do I bring a cold chill to people? Cool.

To test my theory, I got up and went over to Andre. Since he was on a chair and not a couch, I just stood next to him, leaning against the arm rest.

"Now that you mention it, it is a little cold." He wrapped his arms around himself.

Wow! I wonder what else I can do.

"Can anybody hear me?"

Beck looked up away from... me... and looked towards his friends.

"Did you guys hear something?"


"Nuh uh."


They all shook their heads.

"Must have been my imagination." Beck turned his head back to my body.

So Beck is the only one who can hear me? Neat.

I turned around when I heard a noise coming from the door. Standing in the door frame was a ghostly figure. I couldn't make out any features, it was just like a shadow of a human.

"U-Uh... Who are you?"

The... Thing... answered in a dry, airless, and raspy voice.

"I am here to collect your soul. You are a ghost, and I am here to bring you to the afterlife."

"What!? But I'm not dead! My body is right there, see?"

I hopped over next to the bed and pointed at myself.

"Yes, I see that. However, your body is barely alive. That heart rate will not last long."

"Well not if I have anything to do with it!" I crossed my arms.

"I'm sorry, Jade, but you must come with me." He lunged towards me and grabbed my waist. He started to drag me through the door, and he was able to do it with ease, despite me trying to fight against it.

"No... No! Stop! Stop it! I can't go yet! I have to get back to Beck!" I was struggling against his grip.

"You did this to yourself young lady. You should be glad that I'm taking you to your demise."

"I know! But I can't help wanting to stay for the man I love!"

He laughed dryly at me. He continued to pull me out into the hallway, where a dark, downward staircase had suddenly appeared.

"Let go!" I choked out. I looked back into the room where Beck was, and I let out one last cry right when we vanished.

"Help me!"


Beck POV.

Everyone has been getting random chills, and it's starting to freak me out. I held onto Jade's hand tighter. I looked back up to her face, but quickly dropped my gaze again. I didn't like seeing her like this.

After a few minutes, I thought I could hear something. It sounded like a distant, far off whisper. I couldn't make out what it said, but I knew there was something there.

"Did you guys hear something?"


"Nuh uh."


They all shook their heads.

"Must have been my imagination." I know that it wasn't my imagination. I know I heard something. I know there is something strange going on.

For now, I decided to ignore it. But after a little while, the whisperings came back. I still couldn't understand what they were, but they sounded urgent and fearful. Like it was shouting out something, but so far away that you can't make out what it means. I closed my eyes to try and focus on the voice.


I closed my eyes tighter and blocked out the noises of the hospital room.


The noise went back to whispers of nothing. I opened my eyes in frustration.

I searched around the room to see if anyone else was hearing these things, but they were all asleep.

Suddenly, I heard something. It was like something was being dragged against the floor. I stared at the ground where the sound was coming from. I shot my head up when there was a scratching on the door frame, like someone was trying to claw their way back in while something else was trying to drag them out.


There were too many sounds at once, and I couldn't concentrate on any of them. But then there was one that stood out above the rest.

"Help me!"

I froze.


Hey guys!

What do you think will happen next? If I like one of your ideas I might just write it into the story (with credit ofc)

Later haters 💜

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