Chp. 7: Anesthesia

518 14 18

TW: mentions of self harm

Beck POV

"It's Jade..."

Nervousness took over my face and I anxiously waited for the doctor's next words.

His face suddenly went from worried to calm, and his body composition returned to a relaxed state.

"Jade is doing well, she just woke up actually. We had to put her under anesthesia in order to put a couple of stitches in place, so when she finally came to, we checked up on some things and it looks like she can go home soon. We just have to wait for her to fully come to her senses before she can be released." I don't think I've ever been this relieved in my life.

"That's great! Can I go see her?"

"Yeah, you can. Although, she is still on some drugs, so she might be acting a little strangely and say things that don't make sense. Follow me please."


I followed the doctor into Jade's room, and when I walked in, Jade was laying back in the hospital bed playing with the hem of her shirt. She was staring at the ceiling, but when she heard us come in, she sat up and looked over at us. Her hair was a little disheveled, but she looked really cute anyways.

Stop it, Beck. She's in the hospital, now's not the time to think about her that way.

"I'll go check her charts and leave you two alone for a little bit." The doctor exited the room, leaving Jade and I by ourselves.

"Hey, Jade. How are you feeling?" She looked at me like I was crazy.

"Who are you?" Her voice sounded kind of weak and wobbly, but she also sounded confident in her choice of words.

"I'm Beck."

"Beck? I have a friend named Beck."

All of her words were slurred and they dragged off of one another.

"Oh, yeah? What's he like?" Might as well make the best out of this situation and have some fun with this side of Jade.

"Weeelll... He's really kind... smart, and talented... and really handsome..."

I like this game.

"Is he now?"

"Mhm. He's a great guy. Although... he always poked fun at me when he got me jealous on purpose, when we were dating."

"And what was that like?"

"I didn't like it then, but now I find it kind of funny." She started to chuckle a little, and then it grew into a larger laugh. I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at her current state.

I feel bad for asking this, but I really want a definite answer from Jade. She told me once before that her drunken words are sober thoughts, and even though she's not on those types of drugs, I figured that this is close enough.

"Do you still like Beck?"

She stared at the wall for a moment and then looked over at me. She turned on her side, and while still looking at me, fell back onto her pillow.

"I love Beck. Y'know I'm gonna marry him some day?"

Those words shocked me. I couldn't stop the happiness from exploding out of my body. I smiled so big that I thought that the bottom half of my face would fall off.

"You're going to marry him?"

"Yeah, I am. I love him so so... so, so... so much. But I can't marry him when we're broken up".

Her next sentences wiped that giant smile off of my face.

"He broke up with me cuz he doesn't love me anymore... He didn't like when I picked fights with him, so he left me for Tori. Y'know I saw him try to kiss her at her house? Crazy, right?"

My heart ached. I just nodded to let her continue.

"I was so so... so sad when he left me outside to walk home by myself, boyfriendless. ... He was the only one that made me want to keep living life, but he's gone. I almost killed myself one night, but Beck came and stopped me. ...You want to see something?"

She motioned for me to come over, so I walked over to the side of her bed. She was lying on her back now, and her head was propped up against the pillow. I was nervous for what she was going to show me.

She lifted up her sleeves, revealing all of the scars on her arms. I flinched at the sight.

"These are my scars. Beck made me do this to myself. He's a jerk... but I still love him."

After everything I put her through... she still loves me?"

"I'm sorry, Jade."

She sat up again and hugged her knees.

"Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything."

"No, Jade, I... I'm so sorry."

To my relief, the doctor came back in with some paperwork, and told me to fill it out so Jade can get out of here.


It's been about 40 minutes since Jade's confession, and she was fully awake now. I'm kind of glad that she doesn't remember what she said while she was under anesthesia, I don't think I can confront her about that right now. What she told me really saddened me, and I hope to make it right someday.

"Okay, you guys are all free to go! Remember to come back in two weeks to get your stitches taken out, Jade."

"Okay, thank you." With that, we both got up from where we were sitting and headed to the car.

Once we were seated, I started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot. It was silent for a while until Jade spoke up.

"You didn't have to come, Beck," she said quietly. She stared out of the window.

"Don't be ridiculous, of course I had to come. You were injured, and there was no one else there to get you help." I glanced over at her, and just as I did, she looked over at me.

"Wait, how did you know to come to my house? Why did you even come in the first place?"

"Well, I saw you leave the stadium after the Platinum Awards, and you looked a little sad, so I went over to your house to check on you."

"Well you took your sweat time. I could have been dead by the time you showed up," she humored. She smiled lightly at me.

"Well good thing I showed up when I did." I smiled back.

In that moment, when we were gazing into each others eyes, nothing else mattered. It was just me and Jade in our own little world. Just the two of us, the way it should be, but the way it wasn't.

Hey guys!

Sorry for the long wait, but I hope you enjoyed!

Later haters 💜

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