"Because my management thinks we should wait a couple of more days or negotiate a little more.", I explained. "Even though I think that's stupid. I don't care about the money. I just love acting, so that's what I want to do." 

"I get that.", he answered and gave me a reassuring smile. "But you have to trust them. They know what's good for you and your career." I nodded, even though it was somewhat hard for me to agree to that. I imagined myself to have a little more opinion that would be listened to before I got famous, but when Lucas says it was like this, then be it. I'd have to accept it. 

"So what's the work you have to go back to the US for?", I asked him and he looked at me confused. 

"I haven't explained that to you?", he asked back and I shook my head no. He hasn't told me anything. Only that he had to go back to LA in some days. 

"No, you haven't.", I said and waited for his answer. He took his time. It was almost as if he was thinking about his answer. 

"I'm negotiating a contract right now, for a new movie.", he said and I continued to listen for some more details, but he stayed quiet. 

"What movie?", I asked then. He looked at me like he wanted to ask me if I was serious. 

"I can't really talk about it yet, but it's from a pretty big movie company. That's why it's all so secretive and all.", he explained. His statement didn't convince me about this contract and what movie he would play in but I figured it was better to stay silent about that. I wasn't in the mood to ask further questions and I had the feeling if I would ask more, a fight would start. 

"Alright. Cool. Either way, I'm proud of you.", I stated and smiled at him. 

"Thanks, love." My heart exploded every time he called me that. I didn't know why, but it was something that made me go crazy. The friendly waitress appeared next to our table and sat down the coffee for me. 

"Can I bring you something else?", she asked nicely and smiled at us. 

"No, thank you.", I answered and smiled back at her. Lucas quickly looked at her but stayed quiet. 

"Okay, if you need anything, let me know." The waitress disappeared behind the counter again.

"Gosh, English service employees are so goddamn nice.", Lucas stated. "You would never see that in the US."

"Is it really that bad?", I asked back. I had no idea how the service went in the US. I've been there a couple of times, but I couldn't really remember how the service was there. I was too young to even remember where exactly we were spending our time back then. I just remembered the really long flight there and that I couldn't sleep for most of it. 

"Well, it's not bad, but definitely not as nice as here.", Lucas explained. "But I bet Canada is at least just as nice, if not even nicer. They are some nice people up there, that's for sure." I laughed a bit.

"If you say so.", I said back and laughed a little more. 

"I'm not kidding.", Lucas said dead serious to me. "Canadians are so freaking nice, it's terrifying." 

"I doubt that.", I argued. "I think it's an amazing trait to have."

"Yea, that's you and your English-ness. You're also too nice for your own good."

"Hey, that's not true.", I said back and weakly slapped his arm. "Don't be so mean. It's just how I was brought up."

"I know, I didn't mean it as an insult.", my boyfriend defended himself. "I'm just saying, sometimes you need to be more self-centred and do what you want."

All I know - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now