Chap 50- Let's Run ,BTS

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Help me run. Help me run more🎶

"Guy's, it's time to get up! We gotta get going!"

"Mmmmm.... Where are we going today?" Jungkook asks as he let's out a groan.

"We're gonna stop by the shop to do your hair and make-up, do the tech rehearsal, and then it's pre-recording!" I answer to Jungkook's question, telling them about today's busy schedule.

"Alright. Let's go. Go go!" Seokjin cheers as we all walked out of the dorm to the van.

Run, run, run, again. I can't stop 🎶

"Great work! On to the next thing! Hurry up and get in the van, guys!" I wish I had superpowers in these kinda situations.

"One, two, three,! We're all in!" I started the van and hear over to the next location once Hoseok did a count check.

I run, run, run, again. I can't help it🎶

"Great work guys! We have a magazine interview next! Seatbelts on.....and we're off!"

"Oh, we're a bit tight on time. Floor it but safely, please!" Namjoon reminded me.

"Leave it to me! I knew this would happen, so I learned all the shortcuts"

Good thing I did!

"Oop- I'm nervous" Jimin whispered to us.

"I'll trade seats with you. Come over here!" Taehyung motioned Jimin as they exchanged their seats so that Jimin could be in between Namjoon and Yoongi rather than in a corner.

Following their comeback with 'RUN' BTS is extremely busy. RUN, RUN, RUNNING to everywhere on their Jam-packed schedule.

*Rrrrrrrr..... Rrrrrrrrr*

"Yes this is BTS's Manager. Oh, a photo spread? Okay, let me check our schedule..... We're so busy lately...."

"We're fully booked Tuesday, Wednesday...... All the way until next Sunday. I'm sorry I'll try to rearrange some things and call you back!" I hang up and open my work process diary. Their packed schedule is just one sign of BTS's meteoric rise

"The shoot has a really one concept and seems useful for promotion... Do I cancel this event, then? Or this radio show? Hmm"

"Manager, I finished my calculations" Namjoon walks over just as I bury my head in my arms, a grime expression on his face.

"We can do everything that's scheduled if we do this" Namjoon unfolds a huge sheet of paper. He's written 'BTS's Daily Schedule' over a massive pie chart.

7AM - 9AM : Hair and Makeup

9AM - 2PM : Variety Show Filming

2PM - 4PM : Press Conference

4PM - 8PM : Live Music Show

8PM - 10PM : Radio Recording

10PM - 3AM : Dance Practice

"And lastly! 3AM - 7AM is when we work on our next album. What do you think! Perfect, right?" Namjoon explained his calculations.

"Wow, that's perfect. The answer us so simple. We just have to stop sleeping" Seokjin sarcastically snaps.

"Ah right, sleep......" Namjoon murmurs in realization.

"Forget it, we don't even have time to sleep these days anyways. Passing out in the van is our sleep" Yoongi, the one who loves to sleep whenever he gets a chance to says.

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