Chap 9- The studio Vampire

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I'm headed towards the dorm. After a 10 or so minutes of a drive I've reached. Parking the car, I got out and walked through the gate. As I reached in front of their dorm house, I got in using the spare key.

It's funny as how we made 5 extra keys, one for each one of us. Even though they don't really go out much, just in case they needed air, they can just use their own key to get in.

"Guys, how's the songwriting going- huh? Where's Yoongi?" I ask, noticing one of them was nowhere to be in sight.

"Ah....." The members fall silent and all look towards a certain room. The door to the studio AKA Yoongi's room is firmly shut.

"Yoongi's in there? He should be out here with the rest of you...." I walked towards his room.

"No!!!" Seokjin yells. They all rush to stop me as I attempt to open the door.

"You can't go in there. Don't even think about it...." Seokjin says shaking his heads. He's in front of Yoongi's door, the others besides him blocking me.

"What do you mean?"

"That room...that's the lair of the composing MACHINE, Yoongi-bot. Beyond that door.... Min Yoongi doesn't exist. Yoongi-bot doesn't answer when you talk to him. Doesn't laugh when you tell him a jokes....its....eerieee" Seokjin shudders, halting his words not wanting to continue his sentence.

"He's such a perfectionist that he won't even share what he's working on until it's done. I'm DYING of curiosity" Hoseok let's our a dramatic sigh.

"Right? How does he expect us to write if he won't even give us a beat..." Namjoon groans agreeing with Hoseok.

"It's been 3 DAYS since he barricaded himself in there and told us to leave him alone" Taehyung mentions.

"What? 3 days?? What about food?"

"Watch this" Seokjin says, heading to the kitchen and came back holding a plate of food.

Seokjin places the dish of dumplings in front of the door and knocks. The door cracks open and Yoongi's pale hand emerges to drag the plate into the room.

"What did I just watch....?" I blinked my eyes a couple of times.

"He needs to get some sun and eat more than dumplings! This isn't healthy..." Jungkook says clearly worried about his hyung.

I knock on the door to announce my presence before I walk into the room.

Wow. It's really dark in here.

It takes a while for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. Finally, I can make out Yoongi. His head is resting between the equipment scattered across the desk.

"Yoongi?" Yoongi raises his head slowly, his brows furrowed.

"What are you doing here this late?" He asks.

"Late? It's noon Yoongi" I pull back the blackout curtains and light floods the studio.

" eyes...." Yoongi shies away from the sunlight like a vampire.

"Let's take a listen to what you've been working on. Is this it?" His cold hand grabs my wrist as I reach for the play button.

"No. The bridge isn't done yet"

"Yoongi. Stop it. You have to take care of yourself. What if you gets really sick?" I ask as he went back to his seat near the desk.

"I don't care if I get sick.... But I'm not gonna phone this in"

I sigh leaving a tired-looking Yoongi alone in the studio.

How can I help Yoongi? Ah! I should ask Namjoon for help. He's sensitive and insightful. He might be able to break through.

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