Chap 45- Rain

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"Phew. Let's fine-tune this one more time. That's not it. Jimin, can you stop looking at your phone and focus here?" Hoseok sighs and calls out to Jimin.

"Wow, what's going on? This is our most basic routine! We do it all the time" Hoseok was frustrated, the members and himself have made at least 1 or 2 mistakes during their rehearsal.

"...... Let's take a quick break" Namjoon suggests.

The members flop onto the practice room floor. After the concert, they've been overcome by a prolonged slump.

"Oh, it changed!" Jimin's shout from behind his cell phone breaks the depressed silence.

"What changed? What are you talking about?" Seokjin asks, glancing at Jimin.

"It changed!! Manager's status message.... Look at it! Look!" Jimin exclaims as he hold his cell phone up for all to see.

"What you've been looking at Manager's profile this whole time? You said you were going to stop" Yoongi arches his brows.

"But.... Look, the status message says Rain...!" Jimin points out.

"Rain? Like our song?" Jungkook asks.

"Manager's status is our that must mean...." Taehyung and Jungkook look at each other with bright, hopeful eyes.

"Manager miss us, too!" They both said in unison.

"Right!!! That's what I mean! Hurry, let's go find Manager!!" Jimin got up to his feet.

"Okie! Today's practice is dismissed! Hurry!!! Go go!!!" Taehyung also gets up, Jungkook following him while the others looked unsure.

"..... It probably doesn't mean anything" Yoongi's comment cuts the excitement like a knife. He goes to the window and draws back the curtains.

"See? It's raining. The status is about the weather. We shouldn't read into it" He says.

The sound in the gloomy practice room is the pitter-patter of rain. The others watch as Jimin leaves the practice room.

Seokjin gets up giving a slight not to the rest of the members in a way of saying 'I got this'.

"Jimin, what are you doing here? It's raining" Seokjin goes to sit besides Jimin, who's sitting beneath an umbrella, seemingly lost in the thought.

"Just.... You know, hyung. The day of our concert.. Manager came to see us but we missed each other"

"If we had turned the van back sooner or if I had acknowledged Manager's presence- or, or no- maybe-"

"If I had stopped Manager from leaving to being with...." Jimin bites his lips and buries his face in Seokjin's shoulder. Seokjin quietly pats his back.

"Don't blame yourself. It's no one's fault" Seokjin gives Jimin the comfort he deserves.


"Are you just going to keep regretting it?"

Jimin whips around in surprise. Namjoon and the other members stand  behind him, grave expressions on their faces.

"I can't stand it anymore, Park Jimin" Namjoon sighs. He does seen bad but...

"Huh? What do you mean?" Jimin asks, his lips forming a thin line.

"We're all struggling but morale just keeps getting worse. It's time for me to make a decision as our leader" Namjoon choice of words weren't exactly as calm either.

"Hey Kim Namjoon, what are you doing?" Seokjin gets up to face Namjoon. The tension is palpable as they square off, face to face.

"I know you agree, hyung. I already talked to everyone else" Namjoon states.

"About what? What's your plan?" Seokjin asks.

"My plan is..... Hyung, lean your ear this way for a second"

"What? Are you serious?" Seokjin's eyes widen at what Namjoon whispered.

The dark colors - of rain in Seoul 🎶

At the same moment, Lily was on her way to a cafe' listening to BTS's rain.

-Lily's POV-

Ah... I miss the members. I wonder if they're working hard on the next album without me?

My walk to the cafe' passes surprisingly quickly. I spent most of it trying not to cry. This is where we all first met....

"You've never worked at a cafe' before? Do you have any other work experience?" The cafe' owner Hyujun asks.

"I've been a manager" I answer honestly.

"Oooh, a celebrity manager? Who?" Hyujun asks.


I'mma respect their privacy. I'll never see them again. Speaking their name will only hurt me.

"Hmm... Well okay. What made you choose this cafe', anyway?" He asks.

"Umm... "

"Excuse me 7 drinks here, please! I'm so, so happy that all 7 of you are here!" I say excitedly, my heart filled with happiness.

"Haha, thanks for the drink. I hope to work well with you" Namjoon smiles.

"Thank you for casting me!" Hoseok bows.

"It's a little awkward, but we can take our time getting to know one another!" I exclaim.

"Yess!" Jimin cheers.

"Excuse me... Umm.. When do we eat? Heh" Taehyung asks, raising his hands a bit. Seokjin nods in agreement.

Jungkook was quiet as he was shy while Yoongi looks at each member carefully as if he was trying to read them.

"Excuse me. Excuse me!"

"Yes? Ah..."

"You got this far-away look when I asked why you chose to apply here" Hyujun says once he got my attention.


"This place means a lot to me. I met my precious people here. People that I'll never see again" I answer.

"Can you start tomorrow?" He asks.

I was about to respond 'yes', when the door of the cafe' office opened.

"Unfortunately, I don't think so"

I whip around to see 7 faces I missed so much. They're standing there in the flesh.

"Namjoon. Guys, what's going on-"

"You've got to start somewhere else. For example. As BTS's manager?" Namjoon cuts me off middle sentence.

"We took care of everything. You can come back!" Seokjin quickly says as if he read my mind.

"What? You did? How...."

"Without you, manager... We couldn't really get anything done" Jimin says.

"We decided that enough was enough and Namjoon made the final call! We went to the office and told them how we felt" Hoseok explains, choosing his words wisely not giving me much clue of what they actually did.

"... That without you Manager, we mean nothing" By Jungkook's words I knew that, that part was true.

"Phew , it was so hard to persuade them!" Taehyung sighed.

"You will come back...right?" Jimin asks. Yoongi hasn't said a single word as he stared at blankly.

I reach out and grab the hands they're extending. There's no need to speak.

I promise I'll never let go of your hands.

A/N: They'll be one chapter a day so stay tuned~

Follow me, vote and comment down your thoughts guys!

And oof- PTD was dope!! 💜🔥

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