Chap 40- 1st FESTA

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"Ha... Are we ready? It looked like everyone was up really late thinking anyway" Hoseok says.

"Ha... You must not be confident judging by how much you have to say?" Yoongi asks.

"My idea is AMAZING. You'll all be square-mouthed when I tell you!" Taehyung chimed in.

"All right, shall we start?" Namjoon asks.

The meeting for FESTA ideas is now in session.

"Okay, me! Me! Mine first?" Jimin raised his and up.

"Can't we do mine first? I can't wait" Jungkook also raises his hand up.

"Hold it. Let's have manager set an order for us" 7 pairs of eyes turns to me at what Seokjin said.


"Ohh. Great idea! We'll split into teams of 2. Can you choose which team goes first?" Taehyung asks.

"Let's start with Team Kim Seokjin. Who's on that team?" I say once they divided the group's in to 2.

"It's me and Jin hyung! Do you remember the subunit cover songs er posted on the blog last year? We can perform those songs in a showcase. This probably requires practice. How about you, Jin hyung?" Namjoon starts right away.

"We can prepare a birthday spread to celebrate how much we've grown for our 1st birthday! We should clean the dorm to freshen our mindset and bake a cake from scratch... Chef Jin will cook, of course" Seokjin suggested.

"Can I request a special menu? Seaweed soup because it's our birthday and stir-fried octopus and pork belly. The reason for those being, I want....some" Jungkook grins.

"Hoseok and Taehyung can bring in charge of cleaning. Yoongi and Jimin can bake the cake! Lastly...." Seokjin gives out each of them their own work liking the idea.

"Jungkook and I are cooking with you then, hyung? What a perfect combo!" Namjoon says liking the idea.

"Huh? Yeah... Jungkook should go buy some cheese then... Namjoon can you cupp turns onions? Hey, Namjoon, interesting choice. Why are you cutting the onion in the wrong side? No, don't destroy ot!"

Seokjin bursts into laughter as they acted knowing all too well that it's gonna end up as he says so.

Tons of other ideas were thrown after that.

"There are so many things we want to do. How much can we fit in one day?" Jungkook asks almost liking all the ideas that were thrown out.

"Hmm.. Should we make a bracket to pick the best idea?" A weird tension flows through the room at Namjoon's words.

"Don't worry, we'll do all of this! After all, it leaves you wanting if a festivald only a day long. We need at least 4 days!!" I decided to step in.

"Yay!" The members were excited again, smiling ear to ear at my words.

"Okay, last but not least. Taehyung, it's your turn" Seokjin motions Taehyung to start.

"Ahem.. What I have is... Well, you'll have to see it. Go go!" Taehyung rushes us out of the dorm, once the boys changes their clothes as he wanted, to my apartment so that I can change.

"Wow. A celebratory family photo. What a wonderful idea! Stand in front of the camera, guys!" I gestures them.

The members shuffle awkwardly in front of the camera.

"Calling it a family photo makes it feel different from other photoshoots" Seokjin confess.

"Yeah! I feel a little shy. I keep wanting to giggle, hehe" Jimin agrees.

"Okay, taking it now! Two, Three!"

"Nice work, guys! Let's wrap it up and go home" I say.

No one moves. They quickly glances at one another. Taehyung walked up to me as I look on, bewildered.

"We're not done yet. You have to take one, too! You're part of our family" Taehyung smiles and holds out his hand.

I set a timer on the camera and go to pose with the group. Something about the whole situation makes me feel shy but also warm and fuzzy at the same time.

"Manager, stand next to me. Stand close, right here!" Taehyung gestures for me to stand besides him.

"Then I'm gonna stand on the other side" Seokjin quickly steps up and stands next to me before anyone else could.

"I want to take a picture next to manage, too! Please stand next to me for the next one!" Jungkook flashes a puppy dog eyes.

"I call dibs on manager's other side!" Jimin raised his hand.

"Huh? The timers about to go off! Everyone, pose! 5, 4, 3..." Jungkook turned our attention to the camera.

"Let's keep taking family photos next year, next next year, and next next year too!" Taehyung says.

"Okay, smile. Two, three!?" Another photo was taken following another, members taking turns on standing next to me. Seeing the members smiling faces makes me happy.

Wait the president still haven't answered my texts.

I'm sure he's gotten them... What's going on?

Something cold pressed against my cheek snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Ah! It's cold! Oh, Jimin?"

"What are you staring at so seriously? Drink this. You must be thirsty, it's your favorite" I turn around to find Jimin offering me my favorite drink, a mischievous smile on his face.

"Thanks. I'll enjoy it. Are you guys really heading to the studio, though?" I ask as I started to drive, to drop Jimin off the studio where the other members were already waiting for him.

"We thought long and hard about what ARMY would like, but the best gift we can give them is our performance. I want to make sure to give them better music and performance.

With our 1st album! Something more improved, I'm more confident that we can! Oh... I have to go.. I'll see you later" Jimin smiles as he jumps out to leave.

I can't believe he hasn't answered yet. I should sent another text.

I get a message from the president as soon as I make up my mind to lock down some support

"These are plan tickets?!" I exclaimed when I saw what it was.

Have fun producing in the homeland of hip hop lol

The full support you're talking about is something like this, right? Hee

I wanted support, but this is overwhelming.

I'll give you everything you need, dorms, equipment lol.. But in return....

You have to do well and make my support worth it lol. 3 stars, bambam hehe.

The president doesn't usually agree so easily. I'm not sure what he's thinking

Weird, cat got your tongue? I might change my mind! Want me to cancel the tickets? Lol

Okayyy, think what's best for the group Lily.

BTS Manager
When'd I say no? We're going to go. You promised

All that's left for us to do is keep running~

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