I scooted closer to the flame. Closer to her. And nodded.

She scooped some of the pasta up with an idle spoon and came closer. She blew on it lightly, trying to cool it down.

She looked at me, with a smile that made my hear melt. And she raised the spoon to me as I took a bite.

"It's delicious," I said between chewing.

She made a face, laughing. She threw the spoon in the sink and jumped onto the counter next to me. Her shoulder pressed up against mine.

"You're not lying are you?" she asked, looking at me carefully.

I shook my head, aghast, "Me? A liar?! Come on Annabeth!" I protested.

She laughed, shivering slightly despite the heat of the stove beside her.

"It's kinda chilly,  don't you think?" she asked.

I didn't feel chilly. That's probably because of my hoodie. Or because, in reality, it wasn't that very cold.

Or maybe I was just so used to being in the water that I was used to it?

Yeah that's probably the reason.

"Here," I offered, wrapping my arm around her shoulder and pulling her closer to myself, "I'm naturally hot. Courtesy of my mom." I grinned, running a hand through my hair.

Her body was pressed up against mine now, my hand around her shoulders as she rested her head on mu shoulder. I watched her breathe. And for a second, the kitchen faded around us and it was just Annabeth and I.

"Percy....about my burn marks," she said slowly, idly playing with my hoodie strings. The motion sent a jolt of electricity through my spine and I fought to calm my heartbeat down.

"I need you to promise not to-" she began, her voice in a low whisper as she looked at me with her big gray eyes.

"Guys what's taking so OOOOOHHHH," Piper squealed as she entered the kitchen, hands clapping in pure glee.

Annabeth immediately jumped off the counter, blushing intensely. I missed her warmth almost immediately.

"Oh shut up,Pipes," she said, rolling her eyes. Her face was still beatroot red, " I just asked him how he liked my pasta."

"Mmmhmm," Piper smirked. An all knowing look in her eyes that made me feel uneasy.

Annabeth didn't look at me as she piled the pasta onto the plates I passed her. Together we went back to the living room, where everyone smirked upon seeing us.

"Nothing happened guys! Stop looking at us like that!" I groaned, passing Hazel a plate.

"We didn't bring that up," Leo smirked. My face heated as I practically shoved the plate into his hands.

"Let's just watch the show," Annabeth declared, her voice made sure there were no arguments allowed.

We decided to watch the Shadow and Bone series on Netflix instead of a movie. We snarfed down are food and were ready.

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