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There was something special about Maribel Fellows, it was not just the sight of the most popular girl in sunshine high. It was the aura surrounding her, the path of ice cold temperature she left behind her. One should run away and fast when coming face to face with the ice queen herself. Yet as always Aily found herself not able to move, like in trance of fear glued to the floor trying to look anywhere but at the blond girl in front of her whose stare was sending ice cold shivers down her spine. The anticipation was still hanging in the room, tense, dripping with an ominous feel. Aily had not heard the whole conversation but she could piece together that the happy couple had been fighting and with her luck she had just walked in on Maribel during one of the worst times. Maribel didn't like her as it was, nothing special had ever happened between them but at a point or another the older girl had set her eyes on Aily, making it clear that she was not to walk through the school corridors without having to look over her shoulder every other second. Aily liked to believe that if the circumstances were different the two of them would've been friends or at least friendly. She didn't think Maribel was a bad person per say, she was just bad to Aily. Bad news, a warning sign, but warning signs could save people, right? As for the guy who barely had spared Aily a glance, well he might have been the most popular guy in school but she had never really payed much thought to him. She knew they had two classes together, but could never remember his name. Carson, maybe Carl. She knew his last name was Rose as that was usually how the people around her referred to him as. It sounded silly, she had thought once or twice. Rose sounded like a little girl or a grown woman like her mother, she could see her mother answer to said name but for a boy like Carbert, it sounded a bit ironic.. They both looked quite intimidating, way too good looking to be any good news for her. Too good looking to belong there, in Sunshine High, they belonged to one of those fashion magazines Remy sometimes amused herself with.

"I said, get inside." The voice was calm even though the words suggested that Maribel Fellows was dead serious and growing annoyed by waiting. Slowly Aily stepped inside and then looking down she closed the door, knowing exactly Maribel would not let her have an escape to use if push came to shove. Her acceptance brought a teasing yet wry smile to play on Maribel's lips that were coated with a cold toned purple lip color. "It's not cool to eavesdrop, a nice girl like you should know that." The tone was teasing but cold and it was the worst situation to be in. Maribel Fellows found her interesting, a way to amuse herself, even if for just a moment. In a way Maribel was like an ill behaving toddler, always looking for new toys to play with, then somehow managing to tear them apart and finally leaving them in shreds, lying there behind as she walked away to her new target. "Were you spying on me...or maybe my boyfriend?" The question seemed loaded and Aily instantly let her eyes drop back to the floor. "Look at me and answer."

"I...wrong...wrong place... I am sorry." How she managed to stammer those words out was a miracle really.

"That is not the answer to my question... What I'd like to know is if you are delusional enough to believe that you had any chance to steal away my boyfriend... you don't but I want to know if that is what you are trying..."

"Of course not... no ....I would never... I ...I just... no." The last no is stronger, Aily knew she needed to mean it. Heck she did, but the truth is not what matters, what matters is that Maribel believes her. Still smiling as the smile has never dropped from her lips but also never reached her eyes Maribel tilted her head like she is weighing on what Aily just said until she nods shortly. She turns to the boy who doesn't look interested at all in the situation. "Don't even think about it Carter." It was a clear warning but Aily couldn't figure out what it exactly was about.

"Like I would, with that?" It's an insult. The words gave it away but there was a new kind of gleam in his eyes, measuring Aily from top to bottom.

"I mean it. You are not to do anything like that." The pitiful look was only a short flash in the green eyes as they connected with Aily's before they turn to the boy.

"I told you I..."

"You won't do anything like that, am I clear..."Maribel sounds like finality itself and the small spark in the boy's eyes dies away just as fast as it had built up. He shrugs, leaning in to place a short kiss on Maribel's lips muttering something about finding the guy, or guys and then pushes past Aily out of the door. There is nothing more that Aily wished than to follow him but the door slams closed behind her.

"You gotta be careful with guys like Carter." The float in the air, the soft tone echoing around them, bouncing in the silence from wall to wall. "And Nicholas too...you wouldn't want." The picture of Nick's teasing smile and soft brown eyes instantly took over Aily's mind as she tried to keep her cool being as successful as anyone in her situation. She might be in love with him, if not at least infuriated with his very being. "Nicky is like us, you wouldn't last a day by his side sweetie, I am just giving you some clearly needed advice. Let him be and concentrate on people that won't drive you into madness." It didn't sound mean, more like some weird kind of friendly advice and it is like Maribel noticed it as well. "Besides it would be like wishing for a star, impossible to even begin with." This time around the tone was mocking Aily again. Talking to a child, pushing down an unworthy peasant.

"I wouldn't...I... Nick..."


"Nicholas... I ...would never... I don't want trouble." The last part is true. She only wants to disappear, that the floor would swallow her whole.

"Alright, just forget him then...it's better like that." Once again it was soft. "You are not worth his time." And it turned back to mean. Like a blow in the stomach.

"Yeah" Aily's answer was a bare whisper as she bit back her tears again. Her day has started off just wonderfully. Maribel's eyes took her in and a thoughtful look was resting on her face. The older girl took a step closer, reaching out a hand which was placed on Aily's cheek carefully, in a comforting manner. Like a mother speaking to her daughter. The whole image makes Aily's insides clench as reality hits her again. Like her own mother never will again. The hand was cold in contrast to the gesture, just like Maribel's soul inside. It was freezing.

"Aily, dear. You need to learn to speak up. No one can hear you. You need to speak louder. No one can hear what you want to say '' The thumb stroke Aily's cheek as the blond girl in front of her smiled sweetly. "What have I told a million and one times?" It was the same hypnotizing tone still and the smile was also there. Aily wanted to pull away, she knew now was the time to run since the next blow might be fatal to her already shattered self esteem but like a prey, she had fallen for Maribel's trap and it was impossible to get out. "Answer me." It was a simple demand but it was so soft that one could believe that they were friends, that this was that other world, maybe an older sister comforting the younger one.

"That I am not worth your time?" Aily hates herself, hates that it comes out as a counter question, in a broken voice and she would pull away but Maribel's eyes land on hers again as the girl leans in a bit, closer, her breath tickling Aily's ear as the words hit her one by one.

"You need to find your voice, it's a ruthless world sweetie. Find your voice." And as the last word lands on Aily's skin Maribel has already pulled away. Is almost out the door but she turns around sparing Aily another quick look. "It was nice talking to you Aily. Oh and I need that french presentation by lunch. Don't be late." Not letting Aily give an answer Maribel is fast out of the music room and the door slams close behind her leaving Aily standing there, in pieces all alone like always.

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