Eyes sweeping over the figure that could be of a painting of the greek gods but that belonged to her boyfriend...well it was complicated but what was not in the life of Maribel Fellows. The tables had turned, she found herself thinking as a picture of a lost but gorgeous sophomore invaded her mind. Yeah Carter Rose didn't use to be all that. That doesn't mean that the boy wasn't as attractive as he is now. No, he was but there was this vibe of uncertainty in him. The way he wanted to prove himself...time after time and all for her. It was adorable really and thinking back she thinks that might have been when she started falling for the guy. Carter Rose never used to be like the typical guys she dated. Bad boys with fancy bikes, excelling at sports but often lacking the brain. Well now he fit the mold more but he still had his brain intact, a fact that made Maribel smile softly to herself. Yes, Carter Rose was indeed special and she would not let him go that easily. Truth to be told Carter also had wrecked her life quite a bit after crashing into her and it seemed almost unfair that he now thought he could just walk away from her. She glanced down at the text again. One line, he had been bold, she'd give him that but to think he still thought that would be possible. Poor guy had no idea.

Maribel had stared at the little sentence last night, planning her speech...first she had thought of humiliating him, in front of anyone and she probably would have, was this anyone else than Carter Rose. In only a year it had become clear that Carter would not be easily replaceable. Not that she wanted to replace him anyways. Carter would not fall off the map either, not like the more unknown ones usually did. There was something behind the name. Carter Rose was there to stay, and stay he would.

"A word Carter...."The tone of her voice was icily, it could have frozen kingdoms but she only cared about this one, her kingdom. Sunshine High, it was a kingdom falling but still hers, until next year when she would leave it behind to fall into its own darkness and to destroy itself. She was barely a phase passing, the blame was not hers to carry.

"Sure" Carter didn't seem phased by the tone and had even the audacity to flash her his trademark smirk.

"In private."

"Oh you are in trouble bro." Nicholas Icer chimed in and Belle had to fight her smile from breaking to the surface. She was not really that angry, there was no point in that, Carter would come to his senses, eventually. Shouting Nicky off with some macho answer, Carter stood up towering over Maribel's height still looking like a small child compared to her composed posture. Only a fragment of his earlier confidence was missing but he still followed her to the old music room for some privacy only turning around to face her as she closed the door behind them.

"A text Carter?" She felt herself getting a bit annoyed again. Not angry, annoyed, it didn't matter enough to get her furious. But a text.

"I thought you should know." The shrug got on her nerves but she flashed him her sweetest smile as he furrowed his brows. The silence lingering as Belle seemed to take in the whole image of the blonde, tall guy hovering over her. Like a tower mending a bit to fit its shadow. Blonde hair, curls now reaching his shoulders. He looked angelic and how far was that word still from him. She knew all the muscles that could be traced underneath that shirt and just how brown those eyes were, staring at her, like waiting for an answer. He tried to challenge her, go to war but war had casualties and Belle knew better. She was not just the beauty, she also advanced in the brain section. Besides, she had everything he had. Blond waves of hair, the color covering the boring brown. The mousy brown she had been born with. It was not like her. Blond was bold and golden just like her. She had the figure, green eyes that could bore into one's soul. Yeah she knew what she had and they were simply made for each other.

"A text Carter."

"You already..."

"Don't you dare not to give me an answer." He was quiet, a while pondering if he should push her. She sharpened her stare, letting her annoyance sip in.

"This is not working Belle..." It was served to her with a deep sigh. Like he has realized that he had no way out of explaining.

"Damn right it is not working. You keep pushing me away." She felt all the frustration now.

"See it doesn't work... how can we be something, when I don't want to be with you?" He sounded like a poem, a broken song but that is just Carter for you and yet she loved him. Not that she will probably ever tell him that.

"It doesn't work since you don't put in effort into this relationship." She'll admit she was angry now. Boiling. She had been trying, she believed him over the girl who shall not be named.

"This is not about Becky, if that is what you are thinking about."

"You owe me Carter....you owe me one more try!"

"I don't owe you anything Belle...." He sighed like he was tired of her. No one does that.

"No you do...do you know how much I have done for you."

"Like what?"

"I know what you did with her...." It sounded like a warning, because it was one. He can burn with the rest if he decides to ignore it.

"Becky kissed me and the first thing I did after I pushed her away was to find you, apologize and tell you." Carter sounded defensive now.

"And a week after you got drunk and fucked when I was lying home, sick... don't try to play the victim here, Carter."

"I....I...How do you...I" He stoped short realizing, that he didn't need the answer. He wont get one.

"You owe me one more try, Carter."

"Or what?" It didn't sound as sure anymore.

"Or I'll tell everyone how you cheated on your girlfriend with her best friend." It was a cold move but she was cold. She was all ice while he was the fire. She just needed to keep warm a little while longer.

"Are you trying to blackmail me?"

"I am not trying to. I am blackmailing you if that's necessary." Maribel's fingers slowly pushed away one of his blond locks as she softly placed her palm on his cheek only to have him angrily pull away from her touch.

"You can't do that!" He sounded like a small child fighting his punishment already knowing he will suffer it no matter what. She wouldn't exactly like to think he has to suffer being with her, she'll just show him that they can work, that he still adores her. That he might even love her, like she loves him. If he is able to love anyone.

"Why not?"

"You wouldn't Belle..." He pleaded..

"Wh? You want to run back to Becky's arms?" It was a petty thing to bring up but it's the harsh truth still.

"Forget Becky. She will die alone." Carter muttered.


"What do you mean?"

"We will be the big happy family as always, Carty. Becky will be forgiven, just like you..." Her smile was bordering on creepy.


"One more try."

"You really give me no choice Belle." He groaned.

"Good, no give me a kiss and lets get out of here." Maribel smiled at her victory. He groaned but leaned in anyways and kissed her, a bit angry but kissed her. They don't get out of there because hearing the crack of the door, they pull away, finding the small brunette standing in the doorway looking like she would love to be anywhere but there, backing away slowly. There is something about the younger girl that Maribel can recognize, how she used to be alot like that. Afraid and unsure, she is not anymore. She is cold, ruthless and strong. She feels pity for the short girl and the fright shining from her eyes. It's partly her own doing, but that she doesn't mind but the girl is also pure and fresh and that she misses. She misses not knowing how ruthless life will turn out to be, she envies the trait and maybe that is what brings out the worst of her.

"Aileen Mesman, were you eavesdropping on us?" It was still playful but the girl flinched, like she would have lunged at her and it pissed Maribel off.

"I...I... I... sorry! I didn't know you... I was looking for something." Aileen looked like she would run away any moment, maybe lock herself in a bathroom stall to cry.

"Get inside Mesman!" The older girl orders and there is not much the younger one can say or do to decline.

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