The man looks as stone faced as ever when he finally steps up to the check in desk. He is wearing fishing attire and throws a fishing rod to the assembly line. It is followed by a tent and a small backpack holding onto the other one that is held up by his left hand.

"Going on a fishing trip?" The lady asks smilingly even though she has to wonder silently why anyone would waste his trip in sunny Greece fishing.

"Something like that," The older man mutters.

"Could I see your reservation and passport sir?" The lady asked not interested enough to ask a follow up question but instead letting it slide. He hands over the documents flashing the woman a tired smile. He is too old for this, too old but it is not like anyone really cares. The woman takes the passport, taking a quick look at his newest passport picture and then at him handing it back over with a nod and a smile.

"Have a wonderful journey mister Armstrong."

"Thank you" He replies taking back the documents.

"Security check is that way" The woman tells him but he is already on his way. He really is too old for this.

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