Author's note.

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Story description:

"The best place to start the story is at the very beginning, Aily just hadn't figured where it all had begun. Her whole life she had felt like her puzzle was missing pieces and every time she came close to find one it was harshly grabbed and put away out of her reach.

That was all about to change, as Aily unprepared and out of place, finds her in the nightmare that is her school's arts trip to Greece and everything goes wrong. Finding her on a mysterious Island with only her best friend Remy and Carter Rose, the boyfriend of Sunshine Highs ice queen, Maribel Fellows. Aily's must find a way to survive in order to ever clear the tangled red thread that is her messed up life. With a friend gone missing, a quest to find him and the dangers of the island lurking in the shadows Aily has to decide if she is strong enough to fight for the truth or if she will remain one of the unsolved mysteries of the island.
No one is safe, when the wrath of the red light, strikes but will there be time to solve the tangled thread and to make it out alive?"


This is the new version of the beginning novel of the Red Light series. This story is already complete and will be updated daily for the time being. The book itself consists of 15 main chapters but due to their length, they will be decided to subchapters that make the book easier to read. The book can be read as a standalone adventure as it is the first book in the series. However I want to warn the new readers that not all of the mysteries of book 1 will be answered in book 1 but instead bleed into books 2 and 3. The story line in the complete series can be seen as a collection of three story arcs, trilogies. 

Books in the Red Lights series:

1. As red light strikes

2. Not so dead after all

3. Hiding Spot

4. Lost girl

5. Risk zone

6. We meet again

7. Life changes

8. There is no normal

9. New hope

Some characters of the Red light series will also make apperances in the Sicilian runner -series and  Venomous -series. 


I hope you will enjoy the story! Don't hesitate to let me know what you think of it with comments and votes. 

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