It felt empty and meaningless as she walked out of the building. It had been a much easier choice to walk in there the day before but now, it felt like a part of her was ripped out. She knew it was the right choice in her situation but it didn't make it any easier. Becky was not stupid, she knew exactly how wrong she had acted against Maribel and she regreted it. Belle used to be her best friend, a friend that understood the whole picture. Who knew how she could never be enough. She could just picture the horror on her grandmother's face, the disappointment, the judgement. Yeah she had no choice she told herself as she stopped to fish out her constantly ringing phone, that went off in her purse. It was the right choice but knowing exactly what she had done and how it left her feeling. It was a choice she would never go through with again. She would be careful from now onwards. She made the promise before she answered the call that kept bugging her.

"You missed class." The soft but accusing words of Nicholas Icer broke through the distance and she sighed deeply.

"I am fine Nicky." The reply was far from satisfying but she really didn't have the energy today.

"Last time you missed class you and Maribel had fought. Did she scare you off again, banish you from her royal court, I swear Becky if you are planning to let her run you over like last time...."

"I told you I am fine."

"Yeah, that's just it with always claim to be just fine... but you don't have to be... I know Belle can be intimidating...but you should talk with her, you need her now more than ever Becks"

"I got drunk and somehow slept with her boyfriend in the ruse. She knows that. I don't see what there is to talk about." She doesn't, she took care of the problem. Maribel never has to know.

"Yes it does. You need to tell her...she will know eventually and that will be much worse... for everyone and what about Carter... I know he is a jerk at times but don't you think that he would."

"Run and tell Belle exactly how much of a failure her old best friend is? Yeah I think he would but sadly he won't get the pleasure. I took care of it, there is no problem to consider anymore. We can all move on from this Icer." The line went silent for a second. It's just like Nicky taking the time to think about it...he remains quiet though and that doesn't sit well with her. "It is not that dramatic. I am okay, there is no problem. It is a win-win situation. Besides, Carter would not have wanted to be trapped in this kind of situation. He loves her more than he loves anyone else in this world, well anyone else but himself." It was a bit bitter but maybe God would give her that considering what she just went through, then again probably not.

"He broke up with her." It is short and maybe, if the her, was anyone else than her Belle she would've felt a bit victorious. She didn't.

"How did she take it?"

"Like Belle usually takes it, she didn't and now he is back at point one."

"Good, he doesn't know what is good for him." She meant it. Carter Rose is as dense as they come no matter how high his claimed IQ is.

"You sure that you are fine?" Nicky still sounded worried and it is time to put his worries to bed so she forces on a chirpy tone like she sometimes does.

"Of course...I am totally fine Nicky... you concentrate on how to win her over. I am done with watching you pine over a girl like Aileen Mesman. You are too good for her, but then again maybe someone like her is actually what you need. After all she won't get you tangled in a mess like this."

"Sweet, it sounds like you have this all figured out." Nicky sounded almost like himself.

"Someone has to..." She let a light laugh out to fill the phone with bubbles.

"You are quite something, Becky." She could hear that he smiled and she was happy to know that at least one of them was happy.

"Go on player, we all know you don't have all day on you."

"You coming to school today?" Nicky ignored her try to shrug him off again.

"No, I am taking a day off" The silence lingers again. "I am fine, believe me and I'll be there tomorrow, promise." She saw Dylan pull in with his truck and she smiled, thanking the gods above for the timing. "My ride's here, I need to go but be a sweetie tomorrow and bring a latte." She joked.

"Get your own coffee, Hessel!" Nicky laughed before the call was cut off by the red little phone icon.

"You ready." Dylan looked at her up and down and she took a quick look at the hospital behind her.

"Yeah let's get out of here." She replies with a charming smile.

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