He suddenly heard a curse being thrown and he instinctively jumped in front of his mother to shield her. He closed his eyes, anticipating the blow and was surprised when he opened them to see a shield of ice in front of them. There were three arrows that pierced the ice but didn't make it all the way through. Draco let out a shaky breath when he saw the point of one of the arrows mere inches from his face. He turned to his mother whose eyes were wide with shock at the powers her son had just used. He ignored her look of surprise and gave her a hateful look as if to say she didn't deserve his protection and then he roughly tugged her wrist to follow him.

Ginny watched as flames engulfed the only home she ever knew. Tears ran down her face as she saw a part of the house completely cave in where she knew Fred's room had been. She turned her attention to her parents who came running from the house and saw Draco wasn't with them. She saw Death Eaters coming out of the house behind them and quickly shot a curse at them before they could attack her parents.

"MUM.....DAD! WHERE'S DRACO?" she yelled to them.

"HE WAS RIGHT BEHIND US!" Mrs. Weasley shouted over the roaring flames.

Ginny frantically looked around to make sure he didn't make his way outside and then went to run back into the house. Arthur quickly grabbed her arm and held her back.

"NO GINNY IT'S TOO DANGEROUS!" he yelled at her.


"I'll go." Harry said suddenly.

They all turned to him and before any of them could object he ran back inside.

Draco was dragging his mother throughout the house trying to find the way out through the dark smoke.

"Draco, use your powers on the fire." Narcissa demanded.

"I can't," he snapped.

"What do you mean you can't? You just used them against that attack?"

"It doesn't work like that, Mother," he said through clenched teeth.

"Then how does it work, what good are they then? And even more so, what good are you then?" she snarled.

Draco felt his blood boiling at her words, but kept his focus on finding a way out and gripped her wrist tighter and dragged her along.


Draco heard his name being called and immediately ran in the direction of it.

"OVER HERE!" Draco yelled back.

Suddenly, a wooden beam came falling down and Draco pushed his mother out of the way and he fell to the floor. He felt hot liquid pour from his head where he knew the beam hit him. The room was spinning and everything became muffled and blurry. He tried to drag himself to his feet, but his leg was pinned under debris and the beam that had fallen. He tried looking and feeling around for his wand, but he couldn't see anything. Narcissa stood up and saw Draco was hurt, but she also saw the flames growing and smoke thickening. She felt Harry push past her and ran over to Draco.

"NARCISSA, HELP ME LIFT THIS OFF OF HIM!" he yelled to her, grabbing one side of the beam.

She looked at Harry and then to the roaring flames around her then turned and ran to the exit.

"NO! WAIT!" he screamed out to her.

Harry tried as hard as he could to pull the beam off of Draco; he could barely see anything and could hardly get any air into his lungs.

"DRACO, HEY DON'T PASS OUT, YOU NEED TO HELP ME" he yelled out to the Slytherin as he shook him to stay conscious. Draco winced in pain as his head throbbed and bled freely. His head started to slump and Harry quickly shook him again. "NO NO NO, STAY AWAKE, COME ON HELP ME" but Draco was useless.

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