Chapter 44- Fired?

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In the photographs there was a guy with jet black hair and bright skin. His hazel green eyes were shining with joy and enthusiasm. Luke looked so cute. Like ugh- 

His cheeks were all chubby. He was a bit taller for his age. I glanced at Luke. He looks pissed off. PFT.  So cute.

'You look really cute Luke.' I complimented as his grandma flipped the pages of the album.

He hummed in response.

'He was.' His grandma said smiling.

There came a photograph in which Luke was taking a bath. I smiled.

'Alright shut this album right now!' Luke said and shut the album. 

'You know Erika when Luke was little, he used to go to the bathroom with the door open.' She said laughing. That's when Luke's eyes popped out of his skull. 

'Grandma why don't you just go home and freshen up?' Luke said with a sigh.

'Oh no honey. I think I will talk to Erika for some more time.' She said patting my shoulder. I grinned at him. 

'Grandma please. The key is below the doormat.' He said. His voice was stern. 

'Fine kiddo. I will be back after a while.' She said as she got up slowly. I guided her out of the hospital. 

'I have never seen Luke so happy.' She said.

I threw a confusing look at her.

'Before you came to his life, he was all miserable. His face told it all. But now, he looks better.' She said.

I smiled at her.

'Please be with him. You are the only one who can guide him out of his dark past.' She said holding my hand.

'I will.' I said and nodded.

The cab took her away. His grandma thinks I can help him. I am going to help him. I want to make him the happiest person on earth.

I went back to him. He still looks annoyed. I lay down on the little space left in the bed. He turned towards me. His face was just in front of mine. His eyes looked into mine deeply. He bit his lip, I saw his fangs. Is he a vampire or what?

'Don't worry I am not a vampire. I won't suck your blood.' he said laughing.

His hands slipped on my waist and he pulled me closer to him. My head hit his chest. He caressed my back slowly. 

'You better forget what happened today.' he said.

'Uh- the album and all that?' I asked playing with his t-shirt. 

'Yup.' He replied.

'I can never forget that.' I said laughing. He lifted up my face and looked at me. 

'I don't want you to remember that I went to the bathroom with the door open.' He said and turned red.

'Luke we all have done silly things as kids. It's no big deal.' I said smiling at him.

'Don't just mention it in front of me.' He said.

I kissed his forehead. 'I won't' I said.

There was a long silence. It wasn't an awkward one for sure. 

Luke yawned.

'You sleepy?' I asked.

'Yeah. A little. Maybe because of the medicines.' He said.

I hummed.

'Take a nap.' I said and got up.

He held my hand and said 'Stay.' I lay back down again. He put an arm around me. 

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