Chapter 39- Night at the Hospital

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I felt a sudden jerk. I opened my eyes and found myself on the ground. Ow. My right cheek hurts. I looked around and saw Luke on the ground. He wasn't moving. Shane stood there with a look of anger and frustration.

I got up swiftly and ran towards Luke. His eyes were closed and I saw a pool of blood below his head. Tears rushed down my eyes.

'Luke!!!???' I yelled and shook him. He isn't moving. I placed my hand on his heart. It's beating.

I turned towards Shane. He was standing as still as a rock.

'Just call a fucking ambulance!!!!' I cried out.

He took out his phone and called an ambulance.

Here I am. Sitting in an ambulance with Luke just laying in front of my eyes. He had an oxygen mask on. His hazel green eyes closed. The sound of the ambulance is freaking me out even more. The siren ugh!!!!!! Why the hell is it so loud?
I'm still crying. Luke....

I felt a hand on mine. I saw Shane. I jerked ny hand away.

'You did this didn't you?' I hissed at him quietly.

He didn't look at me.

'Just fucking tell me!!!' I hissed.

'I'm sorry.' He spoke as a drop of tear escaped his eye.

'I don't know if I can ever forgive you.' I said and turned away.

He caressed my cheek.

'Get away from me.' I said.

I saw his finger it had some blood on it.

'Are you hurt?' I exclaimed worried.

'Your cheek is bleeding.' He said and wiped the blood from his fingers. I held my cheek. Yup. It's bleeding. I wiped the blood on my blood stained top. My top was smeared with Luke's blood. My eyes filled with tears again.

I cried my eyes out till we all reached the hospital.

Luke was inside the operation theater. I was outside with Shane waiting for some good news. I am not sure if Shane is waiting for a good news.

He called out a nurse and asked her to treat my cheek.

'Why don't you just go home?' I sneered at him annoyed.

'What about you?' He asked.

'I will be here.' I replied.

'Then I will be here too.' He said.

'Shane, I have had enough of your shit today. Just go.' I said with a sigh.

He got up and pushed back the hair off his face.

'Take care.' He said.

'You too.' I replied.

'Go straight home and get some sleep.' I added as he started walking. He threw a weak smile at me.

I sat there waiting. And waiting. And waiting. At one in the morning the doctor came out and said 'His condition is stable. Though he needs to stay here for a few days.'

His words relieved me. I felt my energy getting back.

'Can I meet him!?' I exclaimed excitedly.

'He is unconscious. But yeah, go see him.' He said and strolled away.

I hopped inside to Luke. He was asleep. Or unconscious. He still had the oxygen mask on. A hospital is freaking scary!!!! At least for me.

I sat on a stool near Luke's bed. I looked at him and ran my fingers through his hair. There was a thick bandage wrapped around his head. There was a stain of blood on his forehead. His cheek had some scratches too.

My head faced the ground and I was about to cry again but I felt a hand on mine.

I looked up. Luke was looking at me. He removed his oxygen mask and said 'It's alright. I'm alright.' He smiled weakly.

'Put the mask on.' I said sobbing.

He smiled and put it back.

A nurse barged in and said 'He needs to rest and you need to go.'

I walked out and slept outside the operation theater.

I was fast asleep but all of a sudden I had a weird dream. I started shaking and sweating. I woke up with a start. The dream was about Shane. I feel like he is hurt or something. I don't exactly remember what I saw. I called a cab.

I looked inside the operation theater. I will come back for Luke.

But Shane needs me now. I have to be there for him.

Hey guys!!!!
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I can't believe I published two chapters today!!!
I was just too excited maybe.

Lastly: ◦•●◉✿ᏝᎾᏉᎬ ᎽᎾᏬᏒᏕᎬᏝᎰ ◦•●◉✿

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