Chapter 24- Inseparable

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I turned around and saw dad standing with Shane by his side. They both looked angry. Dad came towards Luke and stood in front of him. All of a sudden he planted a slap on Luke's face. I clapped a hand over my mouth in shock.

'Dad please just listen to me.' I pleaded.

'Do you feel better after slapping me Mr. Hart?' Luke asked smiling. Why is he smiling????

Dad just glared at Luke. UGH! Shane and dad belong to the same kind of humans.

'Before you take away your daughter from here FORCEFULLY, I want to say something.' Luke said.

Dad didn't reply. SERIOUSLY!!!

'You think you are a great dad right? I am afraid you aren't.' Luke said. Dad's eyes widened.

'Did you even know what your daughter was going through?'

'No you didn't. Nor did Shane knew.'

'You both were too busy pushing me away from Erika's life!'

'What was she going through?' Dad asked raising his eyebrows. Luke sighed.

'Your daughter was bullied, troubled, harassed and almost raped.' He completed and pushed his hair off his face.

'Do you know why she was here today?' Luke asked.

I held Luke's arm to stop him. He looked at me lovingly. AH! Just the way he looks at me. He drives me crazy.

'She was here to end her life.' Luke finally said. Shane threw a shocked look at me. I looked the other way.

'If I had arrived here two seconds late, the next day you had to put flowers on her grave.' Luke said angrily. His angry voice is so hot.

'I am not calling myself a hero or something. I am just trying to say that I can be a good friend!!!' He exclaimed.

'Mr. Hart you may have heard that I am a drug addict but I can give that up for friendship.'

'I need someone like Erika in my life. She is such a- Never mind.' Luke said. What was he gonna say!!??

'One last thing- You can keep her away from me but you can't stop me from protecting her.' He completed. That was the best speech I have ever heard.

Dad's face had softened.

'Luke it is right?' Dad asked.

'Yes Mr. Hart.' Luke replied.

'So Luke can we talk? At a proper place?' Dad asked.

'Yes. Sure Mr. Hart.' Luke replied. His cheeks had turned red. Maybe he is regretting the things he said before.

'There's a good pizzeria nearby.' Dad said with a smile.

'Can I come?!' I asked excitedly.

'No.' dad said. The color of my face faded away.

'Erika I am sorry.' Dad said and hugged me.

'I haven't been a good dad lately.' He said.

'It's alright dad. It happens. I haven't been the best daughter lately.' I said with a smile. Dad kissed my forehead. I saw Luke smiling. So confession- I think I really like Luke.

Luke and dad went away. I and Shane stood there facing each other awkwardly.

'So who was it? Who bullied you and all that?'Shane asked breaking the silence.

'Emma.' I replied.

'That bitch.' Shane mumbled.

'I am gonna make sure she is kicked out of our school.' He said and clenched his fists.

'No need.' I replied.

'You were seriously going to commit suicide?' Shane asked.

'Yeah. I was kinda frustrated.' I confessed.

'Good thing Luke came here on time.' He said.

'I know.' I replied.

'Erika, can you please open up to me?' He asked.

'Shane I.' I don't know what to say.

'You obviously told Luke. You have just known him for a few days. Whereas I have been your friend since we were kids.' Shane said.

'I didn't tell Luke. He just kind of figured it out himself.' I said. It's the truth. I never wail to anyone about my misery.

'So you are saying he just figured it out himself? How is that even possible?' he asked.

'I don't know.' I replied. I love it. I just love it. Luke. He knows me so well.

Nobody had never knew me so well. I hope everything is going good between him and dad.

'You hungry?' Shane asked.

'Yeah.' I replied.

'Come on let's go.' He said and pulled me down the stairs.

We both sat at a burger place. The burger is so good!! Like it tastes so divine!!! I love it. Shane chuckled on seeing me munch on the burger.

'You really like it right?' He asked.

'Yeah.' I replied.

'I knew you would like it.' He said and took a bite of his own burger.

'Hey Shane, Can you try and be friends with Luke?' I asked. I already know the answer though.

'Sure.' He replied.

'I know you are going to say no but pleas- WAIT WHAT?' I asked. Did he actually say yes!?

'I will try to be Luke's friend. There may be some consequences. Be ready for them.' He said.


'What consequences?' I asked laughing.

'You will see.' He replied smiling evilly.

The next few days were quite good. Dad talked to the principal about Emma. She and her peeps were suspended from school. Life got a whole lot better at school. Dad met up with Luke whenever he was free. Even Shane was warming towards Luke.

I on the other hand am going crazy!!! Every time I look at Luke. I feel weak kneed. My heart starts racing. I stutter. Not to mention my hands start sweating. I want to confess about my feelings but what if he doesn't like me? This is a really shitty excuse actually. The thing is if we come in a relationship and it doesn't work out and we break up!!! I won't be able to see him anymore!!! I should just be happy with what I have!!! But to be honest I really want more of him.

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