Chapter 2:3: Homeworld's finest

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Vader dropped in the middle of their attack formation, following up with a repulse to scatter them. He ignited his crimson blade, and slashed upwards at the closest target, the humanoid screamed in pain while being cut in half. It didn't disappear in smoke and drop a gemstone, no, it buckled and fell to the floor, cut in two. Confirming Vader's suspicion that these weren't gems but something else. Another screamed at him in a alien dialect that he didn't recognize, which did not surprise him. Sensing danger, Vader turned to see an incoming charge of three attackers, Vader disrupted their form with a quick and precise force push. Vader then charged, allowing the force to enhance his movement, becoming a dark blur of motion. He slammed his saber onto the armor of one of his foes, the lightsaber cut through it without trouble. His opponent quickly pushed him pack with a powerful kick, sending the Sith Lord back. Injured but not out, the armored alien fired upon Vader, luckily he had raised his saber fast enough to block the incoming blasts. Two more were rushing him, the Sith had to retreat into a more defensive form. The one that had fired upon him was too injured from his earlier struggle with Vader to continue firing upon him. Vader blocked the quick and deadly stabs from the plasma spears his two attackers were using. One had suddenly jumped over Vader, however, to the alien's misfortune, the dark Lord grimly recognized what he was doing. Vader, moving faster than the eye could track, kicked his opponent in front, sending the alien warrior back. Then, he turned and sliced at a specific angle, the poor creature had been sliced in half before his body hit the floor. Vader paused, and looked, only two of his would be assassins still stood breathing. One that was injured, and one that was stunned. All too easy, Vader thought to himself.

He launched himself at the stunned warrior, surprisingly it recovered quick enough to parry and roll off Vader's attack, it had also manged to create a cut a Vader's waist, luckily, the cut did not go through but it did hurt. Vader being a Sith, soon turned this pain into anger. He gave it no time to fully recover from the parry, Vader hammered it with powerful force enhanced strikes. Breaking down it's valiant but ultimately futile defense against Vader. In a last ditch effort, the warrior kicked out to try and off balance Vader, however, the sith dodged this kick and then, made the creature pay for it dearly. Vader savagely brought down his saber, cutting the warrior's right leg off. It screamed in pain and fell to the ground. Without giving it a chance to even speak, Vader brought down his lightsaber to it's skull. The disgusting sound of his lightsaber goin through it's skull echoed off the walls of his chamber. The injured and last one looked at Vader. Vader could feel it's fear had turned in terror. It knew would it would die soon, but the dark Lord had questions, questions that he would see answered effectively. "Speak now, or I shall make you suffer for your silence" Vader said, the creature said nothing. This only irritated the sith. So, he used the force with precision and applied pressure on its wound from his saber. It howled out in pain, clearly not expecting that. "Okay stop, please!" It said in strangely humanlike voice. "What are you?" Vader asked, "We are a collection of people, who have lost their homes to the Diamond Authority. And we will have our vengeance" the strange armored lifeform said, Vader sensed he would no longer receive any more information from this creature. He brought down his crimson blade and ended the miserable monster.
Vader broke out into a force enhanced run out of his room, to none of his surprise, Vader heard the sounds of battle. Gems fighting a brutal defense against the invaders. Vader made his way towards the throne room of the diamonds, cutting down any opposition he encountered on the way there. Finally, after the death of at least two dozen enemies, Vader had made his way into the throne room of the Diamonds.

Vader stumbled upon a scene of pure confusion and chaos. All four diamonds were directing their armies in the defense of homeworld. Blue diamond's face upon spotting Vader, had a scowl. She spoke in a furious tone, "Well, it seems we have found ourselves at war Vader, why does this not surprise me?!"
"These are not soldiers of the empire." Vader replied bluntly, "And why should I believe this?" Blue diamond asked angrily. "Blue, he's right, the soldiers are not his, they do not match up with anything we have scoured and picked in the databases of his fallen ship." Yellow diamond stated calmly, trying to ease the tension of the room. "I would have to agree with Yellow, Blue, it does not match anything." White diamond said.

"They said they were a collection of wronged species, does this mean anything to any of you?" Vader asked.
"Specifically no, the diamond authority had taken advantage of dozens to hundreds of worlds." Pink diamond answered with a hint of sadness that only Vader seemed to have noticed. "Hmmm, their weaponry does remind me of several species, but it seems to be a mash of cultures and weaponry. Hence perhaps, as to why they call themselves a collective." White diamond said. "It does not matter who they once we're if we can't drive them from our home, does someone have cohesive strategy? We cannot drive them off with sheer numbers without military precision." Blue diamond said. Vader and Yellow diamond made eye contact, the two military veterans seemed to have been forming a plan just by staring at each other. "Vader, I imagine you have experience leading troops on the front lines." Yellow diamond said, "That I do" Vader replied.

"Good, follow me, Blue, White, Pink. I and Vader are going to lead the troops through the inner city, we will try to push them to the outskirts of the city, there, we will have to finish them off." Yellow diamond said while summoning a hologram of the city. "What would you have us do?" Blue diamond asked. "Simple, you, White, and Pink will pool the rest of our forces that are left over from our push. Specifically, I will be taking control of my battalions, while the rest of you will regroup you're soldiers." Yellow diamond said.

"There is one more thing." Vader said, getting the attention of the diamonds on him. "I shall contact the fleet commander of the Empire's forces. His name is Thrawn, if he arrives in time, he can cut off the head of this attack from space." Vader said. "Very well, will you be able to pull him up now?" Asked White diamond. "Yes" was all the dark Lord said. "Well then, what are we waiting for?" Pink diamond said.

Vader put his communication device down on the floor. It soon glowed, then the image of a white suit dressed, blue skin commander appeared. "Lord Vader, I presume this isn't a call for a chat?" Thrawn asked. "Indeed it is not Grand admiral, the mission has run into a problem. Homeworld is being sieged as we speak, and we will need your support to end this fight." Vader said as a nearby explosion went off. "Very well, the fleet will be arriving in a few hours. Will you be able to hold off until then?" Thrawn asked. "Yes, but I will need your ships Grand admiral, you see, the plan is to drive the enemy out to the outskirts of the city. I will need you to bombard them with turbo lasers, then, support with three stormtrooper battalions. Am I understood?" Vader said.

"Yes lord Vader, but how will able to tell who is friend or foe?" Thrawn asked. "A man of your talents will know." Vader said, then, the com was shut off.  "Now Yellow diamond, it is time to bring the war to them." Vader said mechanically. Sith Lord and Diamond walked out of the diamond throne room. Suddenly, the two then broke out into a sprint.

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