"i'm actually not that curious," i pat his chest and walk past him. "oh so you're allowed to have a date but i'm not?" he walks beside me. "i never said that." i blantly say walking to the rest of his family.

"but you're acting like it." he huffed. "hi mattia!" i heard the voice of hailey kae yell from the stairs. "are you fucking joking?" i chuckle. "you decided to bring the one person i hated so i decide to bring the girl thats has had it out for you since eighth grade." he smiles.

there i was standing in the middle of this giant mansion feeling nothing but hatred.

i knew he had a valid point but seriously? hailey fucking kae?

"have fun." i walk towards his family. "oh mio dio!" his father gives me a firm hug as he sees me in my dress. "you look too good to be true!" his mother also gives me a hug and then his father puts his arm around his mothers waist.

"also all of your friends are here already, and marcus and alex are here too." he said. i just nodded at the information he gave me then i looked around to find my dad.

i haven't seen him in a week, i've missed him.

i ran as fast as i could in heels to him and he grabbed me tight, "never leave me alone with antonio ever again." he spoke making me chuckle. "i've missed you more than ever." my eyes were getting teary, i didn't let him let go.

i sound overdramatic which maybe i am but my dad's my favorite human on this entire earth.

except dylan o'brien.

"i've missed you too." he said. "hey natalia." marcus smiled with alex to his right, watching my dad and i. "marcus!" i practically scream as i get picked up by him.

"we saw each other on wednesday, chill." he yelled but not too loud. "just hug me." i sigh hugging him the tightest i possibly could. he nods and i heard my dad's footsteps getting quieter and quieter as he walked further away.

"come here." i said to alex watching her watch us. "i was waiting for you two let me join in on this comfy hug!" she made us laugh. "what about me?" mattia asked walking up to us.

his eyes were strictly on mine, noticing my dirty look. "come on in bro." marcus smiled bringing him in. we stayed in that position for a solid minute then marcus let me down causing the other two to separate as well.

"so how's-." marcus tries to speak as he's interrupted by nico r hugging me by the waist and the other guys of the his friend group pat him on the shoulder or bro hug him and the girls just wave.

"holy shit, you scared me." i say, not knowing why he hugged me. "well don't you look pretty." he spinned me around, his eyes scanning my body.

"is this seriously your date?" marcus chuckled walking up to nico. "marcus morelli right?" nico smirked. "how do you two know each other?" i furrowed my eyebrows at their competitive looks that were thrown at each other.

"we played against each other in nationals, of course my team won but his team played very poorly. this is actually the guy that kicked my shin when i tried to score, and natalia, you were there so maybe you remember." marcus said.

"you were the dick head that made him look bad in front of so many recruiters." i stepped back a little not liking how he played.

"this happened 2 years ago and you're still mad?" nico asked. "why wouldn't he be mad? you got him benched for the rest of the first half." alex stepped in.

i just rolled my eyes at their bickering about a game that happened 2 years ago. i mean how did marcus even recognize nico's face?

my heels click against the floor as while i'm walking to my actual date that marcus will like. he smiles wide and his mouth drops as he sees me in my dress that he's been bugging to see me in since yesterday.

"i knew your dress was green!" he said. his hand was connected to ayiana's, who looked way too pretty, she was smiling with her head on his shoulder.

i didn't make a scene or even say word. i wanted to come with a different guy in the first place.

"you look handsome as well." i lean in for a kiss.

"hey alejandro." i heard the voice of a complete bitch say. i heard alessya chuckle and then i disconnect my lips from kairi's looking over to my left seeing mattia and hailey.

"hey sis." antonio side hugs me. i saw from the corner of my eye mattia watch my brother. it was like he was scared or something..

i couldn't put my finger on it but something definitely happened between them. they're bestfriends and antonio hasn't said hi to mattia the whole time.

i know this because i've been staring at mattia 60 percent of the time since the ball has started.

i looked over at hailey and then at ayiana. we laughed because we both hated her. any sane person did.

"wanna dance?" kairi said letting go of ayiana and taking a step closer to me. "absolutely." i smiled, putting my hand out.

he took my hand into his and led me to where a bunch of other couples were. slow music started to play and we started to dance.

a long side the great amount of stares i got from my friends i also i got a decent amount of happiness, no way in hell would i ever be able to dance with mattia like this in front of people.

his arm around my waist and my arm on top of his as our hands were connected. i looked over at mattia to see his overprotective reaction but he was talking to my brother.

my brother was lecturing him? he was speaking very passionately about the topic they were on. almost too passionately.

mattia looked over at me as i was looking at them. he gave me a weak smile then my brother looked him up and down, noticing what he was looking at and yelled loud enough for the people around them to stare.

he shook and his head and continued to talk. i wasn't paying attention to kairi making him notice what i was looking at.

we danced for a couple more seconds then he said something, "what's with you and mattia? i get he's your soon-to-be brother but we all know he likes you as more than a friend, and you seem to be giving back the same energy."

my mouth draped open then i was about to speak but i was torn away from kairi's warm arms to my brother's hot hands.

i yelled towards kairi, "hold on!" his face was taken over by a wave of sadness.

i've seen that face one too many times.

"antonio what do you need!" i said as he dragged me up the stairs. my feet were hurting by how fast we were walking, he wasn't slowing down either.

"are you and mattia fucking? and tell me the truth because his dad and our mom are literally going to be married in a 2 weeks." he seemed angry but i knew he secretly liked us together.

the one boy he trusts with his sister who he loves?

he's gotta be all over that.

i rolled my eyes and huffed, "yes we were fucking, but we stopped because i wanted to be with kairi."

his face dropped.

"is something wrong?" i say before he quickly runs downs the stairs of the polibio home and looks around for someone.

i follow him in case something bad happens. he finally spots the person and walks fairly fast towards them before knocking them over on the table.

he was beating up mattia.

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