Her face was EXTREMELY EXTREMELY close to mine.

"You never will," I replied...ignoring all the feelings I had throwing a party in the pit of my stomach.

I would probably forget my own name if she doesn't take a step back.

She kissed my cheek in a rush, her face flushed red, in the dim light of the room.
She then proceeded to untangle herself from me, only then did I notice that my hands were still around her waist.

The gesture sent a wave of tenderness through my body, as my heart sped so fast I was worried it would give out.
Her close proximity was all the more suffocating now. Were her eyes always that sparkly?

I dropped my hands, after brushing away a strand of hair that covered her face.

Clearing my throat, my hot cheeks hopefully being not noticeable I nodded, opening the door. I watched as she scurried to her next class. And then, returned to the closet and made a call.

The decision I made was final. That's it. I was done with hurting her. I promised her once that I would never leave her side, and that's what I would do.

I called Rachel and asked her if we could meet up. Since she was homeschooled, she was free most of the time. Lucky her.

She said she was good to meet. And with the stealth of a mosquito, I escaped school. (I texted Jason that obviously. I didn't need him sounding an alarm or getting the cops involved)

After a car ride to our agreed destination. I arrived.
And,30ish minutes later I met Rachel at dominoes. She was wearing a green dress with paint splatters.

I smirked, classic Rachel.

"Hey" she greeted, she walked over to my table and sat beside me. We ordered a large pizza to share.

"What did you want to talk about?" she asked. She cupped her face and put her elbows on the table, leaning forward, "are we about to commit murder?'' she whispered.

I laughed, ''No no, I-". Okay, how was I supposed to say this? Hey Rachel, I'm in like with someone (As a friend, duh) and I want to know if it's okay with you?

My palms started to sweat as nervousness crept in. Dam it!

"Okay so..." I started carefully, "Hypothetically if a guy likes a girl, but there's something stopping him from being there for her, what should he do?"

"Well he should tell her the thing that is keeping him from her", Rachel advised. She and mom should start a cult.

I shook my head, "What if he can't cause he's scared that it's going to mess up their friendship?"

"Then he should figure out what's more important to him"

"She's more important to him," I said a little too quickly.

Rachel smiled. She leaned forward and kissed me.

My whole body froze, I pushed her away gently. After gulping down a bottle of water to calm myself down, I spoke. "What were you doing?"

Rachel shrugged, "I had to try something"

I stared at her, flabbergasted. On one hand, she was my fiance, on the other, Annabeth's clear laugh sounded in my mind.

"Rachel I....I..... I don't want to marry you. I'm sorry'', I placed my hands on my forehead and leaned forward, facing away from her, "I'm sorry. I don't feel that way about you"

I felt horrible. I felt like a terrible person.

" I know," she said, patting my head like one would a sad dog.

I un- cocooned myself, "Then why did you-''

"kiss you?" she asked, smirking. I turned red and nodded. "I just wanted to test something, that's all" she shrugged. Our pizza arrived. She took a slice and began munching on it.

"Rachel, I'm so sorry"

She put her finger on my lips and waggled her finger, "Look Percy, I like you. However, this engagement was forced upon both of us and I would never want to force you to fall in love with me. Besides, it's clear you're already in love with someone else" she smirked.

I blushed, and snatched a piece of pizza and stuffed it in my mouth, "No I am not", I protested.

She rolled her eyes, "Yes you are. And no, I don't mind. You deserve to be with the person you love. Besides" , she lightly punched my shoulder, 'we'll get out of this engagement one way or another"

"Rachel, thank you thankyou thankyou" I thanked her. Happiest I've been for a while It felt as if the weight of the sky was lifted off my shoulders.

She grinned and pushed me off her, "No problem, Aqua-lad. But promise me that we will stay friends"

I nodded, " Promise. Are you sure you don't have any problem with me-''

"For the millionth time, YES. I don't have a problem. I want you to be happy, dumbass" she laughed. After grabbing another slice of pizza, she grinned widely, "Now tell me everything about her, or him"

I laughed. Rachel was cool af. We were going to be great friends. And I was going to make things right between Annabeth and me.
And then, I was going to ask her if she's alright and give her a hug.
And I was NEVER going to let her be alone again.

If she falls, I would fall with her. Even to the depths of hell.

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