Hell no. Those two couldn't keep a secret to save their lives.

"No, she can tell us if she wants the items or not. If she wants them, you will be going to get them for her."

Theo jerks his head back at him as he hangs the last blouse from the bag, with a look of terror on his face.

"Me? Why?"

"I'm not doing it."

"Why not?"

Draco rolls his eyes and waves his wand to clean all the bags off the closet floor. "Because I'm not."

"Wow great argument there Draco. I have no idea how I will ever counter it. Oh yeah easy, there is no way in hell I am walking into a negligee shop, and picking out pieces for Granger. I would have no idea where to even begin. And I do not want to live the rest of my life knowing that intimate information about her."

A moment passes.

"We'll make Blaise do it." They say it in unison. Theo smiles at Draco and he even lets out a laugh.

They both make to walk out of the closet, when Draco pauses at the sight of a wide awake Granger, sitting up from the floor holding the bowl of soup from the tray in one hand, and a spoon halfway to her mouth in another.


"Hi." They both say it in unison again.

She smiles up at them as she places the spoon in her mouth.

"The soup is very good Theodore."

"Uhm, thanks."

They all just stare at each other awkwardly for a few moments.

"Okay Granger, how much of that did you hear?"

She quirks her mouth and places the spoon down.

"All of it."

Kill me. Kill me now.

"Fucking fantastic," Draco mutters underneath his breath as he closes his eyes, and turns his head to the ceiling. Watch this be one of the first moments she remembers. With his luck it would be.

All of a sudden, he whips his head back down at the sound of her laugh that fills the room.

That's a good sign.
No, that's a great sign.
And she is sitting up and eating.
Seriously the best sign.
Merlin, somehow she is still beautiful.

Her hair has yet to be washed, as she only left the floor to relieve herself in between long marathons of sleep, but her hair was always wild so it still fit her. His large t-shirt, that he never planned on washing again, covers a lot of the scars, bruises, and dressings all over her body that had yet to heal completely. And while her face is still heavily bruised, her eyes are once again their big brown pools. Her nose is back to being small and button-like, and her lips have a healthy pink tint to them once again. And right now they are open, and smiling, and letting out one of his favorite sounds in the world. He knows he's staring. He needs to stop staring, but he can't.

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