Loss of limb 🦿

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Keith's POV-
Me, Regris and Thace where sent on a mission by Kolivan. The mission was to a planet called Andion, it was supposed to be simple in and out mission with little to no interference. This wasn't the case at all, once we arrived on Andion we left the ship and completed our mission of gathering intel from an abandoned Galra base the mission it's self went smoothly with no complications. As we were flying over Andion Regris notices a few Galra fighter ships, at first it looked like 10 at the most but suddenly out of nowhere there were hundreds of them all shooting at us from different directions. Thace and Regris where shooting at the fighter ships as I was trying to maneuver our way out of the fighters surrounding us, it was no use. Before any of us could register what was happening our ship was hurtling towards the planets surface at a speed unimaginable. The force from beneath the ship was so strong that it practically tore the ship apart throwing us in all different directions as we continued to fall towards the planets surface the ship not far behind us in its drop.

suddenly I felt myself hit the ground and everything going black, the last thing I remember is the ship landing directly on top of us and Regris screaming out in pain. Everything was black but I could hear faint voices screaming my name and hurried runs. I tried to open my eyes but it was as if they where glued shut not willing to be opened. As the voices grew closer and much louder I could tell that it was Shiro and the other paladins along with Kolivan. I still not dare open my eyes but the pain I didn't know I was in suddenly shot threw me like a bullet, I could hear the paladins talking but I couldn't seem to work out what they where saying. I only made out a few sentences before I felt myself slipping back in to darkness.

Lance- Oh my god Shiro there's blood, he's bleeding from somewhere.

Shiro- Ok Lance stay calm, where going to get him out and in a healing pod. Hunk see if you can use the yellow lion to ease the rubble of the ship off of them, Coran see what you can do while there still trapped.

Hunk- On it Shiro *In his head* Oh god oh god oh god

Coran- Ill see what I can patch up while Hunk removes the ships rubble.

Shiro- Allura, pidge, Lance see if you can help Kolivan with Thace and Regris, we need to move quickly if we want to save all three of them in time.

Pidge- Ill help Kolivan with Regris, princess, Lance you see what you can do for Thace.

Princess Allura & Lance- On it

Shiro- Ill stay here with Keith and coran.

Shiro quietly to Keith- Your ganna be ok buddy, I'm right here I got you. I love you Keith you have to pull through for me ok buddy. I'm not giving up on you.

Those are the last things I heard before I passed out again, I fell into the darkness peacefully knowing Shiro was now by my side.

Shiro's POV-
I sat next to Keith's motionless body and held his had whilst waiting for Hunk to slowly move the rubble off of him. I knew he was bleeding from somewhere yet nothing anyone could have said would have prepared me for what I saw as the final piece of rubble was removed from Keith's body. There he was bleeding from the half of his leg that remained whist the other half lay inches away from his body. I couldn't help but let out a loud sob causing everyone to run over to where Keith still laid, shock and worry plastered all our face now. However we'd lost a lot of time already so I carefully scoop Keith up in my arms and run towards the three healing pods we had set up when we landed. I carefully placed Keith inside and allowed the pod door to close over his still body, then I stood over the pod looking at the blood pooling once more around what's left of his right leg and allowed myself a second to compose myself. This wasn't going to be easy to tell Keith that he's missing his right leg and there was nothing in the whole world that could change that.

3rd person POV-
*3 days later on the castle*

The paladins stood around the laid down healing pod waiting for Keith to wake up, they knew what comes next wasn't going to be easy for them or for Keith whos life has significantly changed since his crash but they were just glad that he was alive and that he would wake up soon. A few moments pass before the pod opens slowly revealing a very drowsy and confused face, Keith asked the paladins what had happened and why he was in a healing pod but none of them dare speak first afraid of the reaction he might have. It wasn't until a few moments of complete silence passed that Coran finally spoke up.

Coran- Perhaps we should all leave and allow Shiro to explain to Keith what happened.

Princess Allura- Yes I think that is a good idea.

The paladins all agreed leaving Shiro to be the one to break the news to the young male he classes as a brother. It had been a grueling ten minutes of sitting outside the door of the med bay waiting to see if they could tell how badly Keith reacted to the news. After what felt like forever had passed they all burst into tears at the deafening scream that they all knew was Keith's shaky voice, they had hopped the screams of pain perhaps would die down after a few seconds but moments passed and still the agonizing screams continued to fill the castle walls.

Keith knew his life wasn't over and he was grateful that he was alive and that he got to see his friends again but he just couldn't seem to stop the loud cry's that could almost be mistaken for screams form escaping his lips as he trembled slightly in Shiro's arms. Shiro was holding Keith close desperately trying to comfort the trembling Keith that was now fully laying in his lap arms thrown tightly around Shiro's neck. Shiro would have done anything to take Keith's place but sometimes bad things happen to good people and all he can do is watch and try to comfort Keith to the best of his ability. The other paladins soon followed foot and began to try and comfort their friend but they all new that this was going to take time and effort to heal.

(Word count- 1139)

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