Sheith~ Amnesia

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3rd person POV-

Voltron had just freed earth from the galra and the paladins where back at the garrison being treated for injury's they got in the last battle against the galra. All except one paladin, Keith was still out in the world somewhere and from what the doctors can tell all the paladins got injury's that go with there part of Voltron. For example lance had a right arm injury which of course meant that Keith was out there all alone with a head injury and if they didn't find him soon who knew what would happen.

Shiro's POV-

I got out of the atlas and headed down to the med bay in the garrison to check on all the paladins. I checked lances room first and thankfully they were all in there together all except Keith.

Shiro- Where's Keith ... is he ok?

Lance- We were just about to come find you Shiro, we all have injury's that match our lion and Keith is the head and on that note they haven't found him yet...

Shiro- Well are they still looking ... ?

That's when we heard it in the corridor. I felt my heart sink when I heard them screaming at people to move out of the way.


Doctor 2- Where losing him....

Doctor 1- Restart chest compressions

Doctor 2- Heart rate going back up

Doctor 1- Ready a room for surgery, quickly

We all moved to the door way to see an almost lifeless Keith laying on a stretcher being prepped for a surgery. I felt like my heart would burst at any minute, the man I love is laying there dyeing and there's nothing I can do about it but wait. Suddenly I felt lots of arms around me.

Hunk- He's in good hands Shiro I'm sure he'll be fine.

Lance- Yeah, they'll get him fixed up in no time.

Pidge- We're here for you Shiro but I'm sure everything will work itself out.

Shiro- Thanks guys, I hope he's going to be ok I really don't know what id do if he wasn't.

*A few hours later*

Doctor 1- Takashi Shirogane ?

Shiro- Yes that's me?

Doctor 1- He made it threw the surgery thankfully but there is a chance that he will have amnesia. were not sure how much he will remember ...

Shiro- Is it permanent or is there a chance he could remember with time ?

Doctor 1- With most cases of amnesia it is common that they will remember things slowly but until he wakes up I cant be certain.

Shiro- Ok thank you, can I see him now ?

Doctor 1- Yes, follow me

*In Keith's med bay room*

Shiro- Please wake up Keith and oh god I hope you remember me ... what if you do but you don't remember we are dating ill have to pretend like were not so I don't overwhelm you. God I miss you Keith, I thought I was going to lose you but maybe in a way I have.

Keith- *Slowly* W...who are you ... ?

Shiro- You don't remember me Keith ... ?

Keith- should I ... ?

Shiro- You have amnesia Keith but I promise I'm going to do everything I can to help you remember.

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