Chapter 44 - A Promise Unbroken

Start from the beginning

If only Dooku could have freed me too. But now even if he wanted to, he couldn't anyway, with the two battling pairs moving too quickly around the room to make such a thing possible. A Force shove from Sidious sends Obi-Wan flying across the room. He quickly stands back up again, right in time to block the onslaught of lightning from Sidious.

I turn my gaze away from Sidious and Obi-Wan, back to Anakin and Maul. Anakin easily keeps up with Maul's spinning lightsaber, and he's already been forced onto the defensive. Well, Maul got his wish for a fight with Anakin after all. And I'm pretty sure he isn't enjoying it. Someone should tell him to be more careful what he wishes for.

The fight travels towards me as the duel continues. Anakin swings his blade at Maul again, who blocks the blow, trapping their blades in a saberlock. Anakin suddenly shoves the blade hard to the side, cutting me free. Maul snarls in a rage and spins his lightsaber in a circle as he attacks Anakin again. I land on my knees on the floor, pausing for a moment to collect myself before jumping to my feet again. Finally, I'm free.

I grab my lightsabers from Artoo, igniting them mid-flight. I'm about to dash across the room to help out Obi-Wan – who's still in the middle of a lightning battle with Sidious – but Maul blocks my path with one end of his lightsaber. Fine, then we'll defeat him first if that what he really wants. It won't be hard.

I pull back and attack him in a blur of green. Anakin attacks from the other side. Maul spins his lightsaber between ours, struggling to keep us at bay.

Our blades get stuck in a saberlock again, me on one side of Maul's lightsaber and Anakin on the other. Over his shoulder, I can see the intensity of Sidious' lightning increasing, until it suddenly blasts Obi-Wan's lightsaber out of his hands and the lighting consumes him.

No. In a last moment desperate effort, I force all my effort into keeping the saberlock with Maul's blade with one hand. I pull back my lightsaber, trying to force Maul's blade upwards with my shoto. Anakin – having fought with me for so many years – figures out what I'm planning. He shoves the other side of the blade downwards, leaving part of Maul exposed. I stab him with my other lightsaber. His yellow eyes widen in horror as he stumbles backwards and collapses to the floor.

"I did warn you," I say, staring down at the dying Sith Lord. He glares up at me, rage burning in his eyes, but doesn't say anything. He lays there, and I feel the life-force slowly fading from him. He's probably going to die, but at the very least, he won't be able to interfere with us killing Sidious anymore.

Anakin whirls around, lunging at Sidious. He stops his lightning assault, activating his red blade and attacking back. I jump across the room, slashing my lightsabers towards him. Within moments, we're engaged in a blinding dance of red, blue, and green. Sidious stabs towards me, but I parry the blow, and he spins to block one from Anakin. Behind us, Obi-Wan slowly stands up, and reignites his lightsaber.

He springs back into the fight, as the battle continues. Sidious is slowly being pushed onto the defensive now that the three of us are attacking him. Even so, however, he doesn't seem to be having that hard of a time. He was trained impossibly well, wasn't he? Sidious throws Anakin across the room into a wall, then lunges towards me. I duck out of the way, but the blade hits my arm. I jerk backwards for a moment at the sharp, burning pain that tears through it, but I can't stop fighting. Obi-Wan parries the next blow, attacking the Sith again.

"There is only the Force," I mutter, drawing deeper on the Force as a whole. Both Light and Dark swirls around me, strengthening me and dampening the pain. I lunge forwards again with renewed strength.

Sidious notices it instantly and throws out a hand towards me. I'm thrown across the room into the wall. I fall to the floor, head spinning and pain stabbing through my lekku where they struck the wall so hard. Anakin jumps at Sidious simultaneously, attacking him again. I shake my head, trying to force away the dizziness as I stand up again. I leap across the room, lightsabers raised for a killing blow, but Sidious easily jumps aside and the blades stab into the floor. I pull them out and the three of us turn to face him again.

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