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This week came a whole hell of a lot faster than I wanted it too. I don't want to leave. I can't.

"We can't leave. We can't." I refuse as I pace around the kitchen.

"Baby, calm down. It's alright, I'll see you again soon. I promise. I will do whatever it takes to see you. It might not be as soon as I might like, but i will see you again." He tells me.

"But I can't just leave. We're expecting a baby in April, and you might not even get to make it. Oh my god, Luke, what if you can't make it?" I say as I start stressing and panicking.

"Don't stress out over this. I will make it. I guarantee it." He says and hugs me.

"Ok." I sigh.


We arrive at the airport and I don't want to be here. I want to be laying in my warm bed with Luke.

I made sure the house was clean last night. So gramma wouldn't beat my ass later.

All of the boys are here with us. But they could've just stayed at home. Well, their homes.

It would've been an easier goodbye that way.

I hold onto Luke's hand as we make our way to our terminal. He rubs circles on the back of my hand as we sit down.

"I don't want to leave you." I say quietly as I stare off into the crowd of rushing people in the airport.

"I don't want you too either. But it'll be ok. I'll talk to you as often as I can." He reassure me.

I nod my head. Ashton and Kona are talking and kissing a lot. Michael and Calum are having their own little conversation. Probably about wishing they stayed home and slept.

Then there's me and Luke who are barely even talking.


Our plane is called.

No, not yet. This can't be happening. It can't be time yet.

I slowly stand up from my seat. Turning to face Luke, I quickly hug him.

"I'm going to miss you so much." I say as I start crying.

"Shh, it'll be ok. We'll see each other soon enough. I love you so much baby girl." He chokes out.

"I don't want to leave yet." I say into his shirt.

"I don't want you too either. You have my Nirvana shirt, right?" He asks as he rubs his eyes.

"Yeah." I say and lift up my sweatshirt.

"Good. I want you to keep it. But don't lose it. That's my favorite shirt." He says with a smile.

"I won't lose it. I promise." I say and hug him.

He lifts my head and kisses me. I kiss back almost immediately. His hands are cupping my face as mine are around his neck.

The plane is called again, and I have to leave now.

"I love you." I say and start crying again.

"I love you so fucking much. Remember that. And make sure everyone of your guy friends know, alright? I'm not going to lose you because of a couple hundred thousand damn miles." He tells me.

"I won't leave you. I'm pregnant with your baby, you goofball." I say with a smile.

"You better go before you miss your flight." He says.

I kiss him once more. Before grabbing my back pack and walking away.

"I love you Riley!" I hear him yell after me.

Turning around in the line to show my ticket, I wave to him.

I mouth 'I love you' to him before Michael and Calum usher him away.

Handing the women my ticket, she lets me go through.


"It'll be ok." Kona tells me and grabs my hand.

"I'm gonna miss him so fucking much." I say as a few tears fall from my eyes.

"I know. I'll miss Ashton too." She says. "It'll be alright."

I give her a weak smile through my tears.

Then, the plane rumbles to life and we start to roll on the runway.

I look through my window and see a blonde boy in almost all black waving through the glass windows.

A new wave of tears hits me and I break down in my seat.

Kona quickly tries to calm me down, but it's not working.

I've officially run out of tears, and I'm slowly falling asleep as I listen to a playlist that reminds me of Luke.

This is going to be so damn hard.

The Summer I'll never forget-lrhDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora