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I wake up to small cramps. I sit up and grab one of the saltine crackers on the night stand. Nibbling at it, I hear Luke shift next to me.

"Hey, you ok?" He asks me.

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine. My stomach just hurts." I tell him.

"Do you want anything?" He asks as he sits up, his hand on my back.

"No, no. I'm fine." I say.

"You sure?"

"I'm sure babe, I'm ok." I reassure him.

"Ok. but if you do need anything, don't be afraid to wake me up, alright?" He says.

"Alright." I say and finish the rest of my saltine.


Grumbling. My grumbling stomach wakes me up from my wonderful slumber.

In my dream, I was about to find out if I was having a boy or a girl. But I don't find out for at least another month. And, unfortunately, I'll be home by then.

It's kinda crazy how I've been here for two months and I already have a boyfriend. On top of that, we are expecting a little baby in April. Honestly, I can not wait until this baby comes into my life. Sure, it'll be a little crazy and overwhelming at first, but that's what happens when it's your first baby.

"Good morning baby." Luke says and kisses my forehead.

"Hey." I simply reply.

I grab a banana and a waffle. With some milk, I go into the dining room where Kona, Michael, and Ashton are sitting.

They say a quick 'good morning' to me as I take a seat. I nibble at the waffle with bananas and peanut butter. Eating slowly, Luke finally joins us. As well as Calum, who just woke up.

Not feeling well enough to eat the rest of my breakfast, I push it away from me. Leaning back in the chair, I cross my arms over my stomach.

"You feeling ok?" Luke asks me.

"I don't feel well." I tell him.

"Like, throw up, not well? Or just cramps?" He clarifies.

"Well, now I'm a little nauseous, and my stomach is starting to hurt again." I answer.

"Ok, do you wanna go lay down? Do you want or need anything?" He asks.

"Would you carry me?" I ask with a low sigh.

"Of course." He quickly answers.

Luke stands up, me also. He picks me up bridal style and heads for the stairs. I shift in his arms. I grab ahold of his shirt trying to get comfortable.

"We're almost there baby." he tells me.

I rest my head against his chest and hear his heart beat. It slowly putting me to sleep, I'm laid on the bed.

I quickly grab his wrist before he can walk away.

"Luke, please stay."

"Alright." He answers quietly.

I feel the bed dip and hear him shuffle towards me. Under the covers, he snakes his hands around my waist.

"I love you Riley." He reminds me once more.

"I love you too." I answer as I sigh.

After tangling myself up with Luke, I start to fall asleep.


"Guys! Shut the fuck up! Riley is sleeping and she doesn't feel good." Luke says loudly.

I crawl out of bed and wrap myself up in a blanket. Looking like a burrito, I make my way downstairs.

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