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"CALUM! I swear to god, give me my fucking phone back or I will shove yours so far up your ass you won't be able to take a shit for weeks!" Michael screams. In a very intimidating voice, may I add.

"Michael! Stop, don't touch him!" I hear Ashton yell, who's probably chasing after both of them.

I stitch my eyebrows together as I grouchily get out of bed. I stomp my way down the stairs and find them running around the house like four year-olds.

"Stop!" I yell over top of them.

They come to a haulting stop and all eyes are on me.

"Give me the phone." I say sternly.

Calum slowly walks towards me, then places the phone in my hands.

"Thank you." I say sarcastically. "Now, you two woke me up and I was sleeping quite soundly. But since I'm awake, I won't be able to fall back asleep. That means I'm going to be cranky today. So if I snap at you and make you angry, you better not back talk me because you are the reason I'm like this in the first place. Understand?" I tell Michael and Calum, mostly Michael since he yelled at the top of his lungs.

They nod their heads with their mouths shut. I hand Michael his phone and he gladly accepts it. I let out a frustrated huff as I make my way upstairs to change.

Deciding on shorts and a t-shirt, I make my way back downstairs to find it silent since I had my little outburst. I make my way down the wide, yet a bit long, hallway that leads to the kichen. The sun shining bright, I take out the orange juice and pour it into a tall glass.

"Sorry for waking you up." Calum apologizes quietly.

"Yeah, we're sorry." Michael agrees.

"It's fine. I'll just be a little cranky, that's all." I tell them as I take a sip of my juice.

I make my way to the living room and sit next to Luke. He stretches his arm over my shoulders and kisses my temple.

"I have a feeling you're going to be a great mum." He says and kisses my temple once again.

"Shit, our first appointment is today." I say and jump up from the couch.

I run back up the stairs and change into something a bit more casual than comfy. After putting on a thin layer of makeup, I run into Luke on my way out of the bathroom.

"Baby, calm down. We have at least another hour til the appointment." He tells me.

"Oh my god, ok." I say as I try to steady my breathing.

I put my head against his chest and stand in the entrance of the bathroom.


Luke and I have been sitting in the waiting room for about ten minutes now. I'm really nervous but I'm trying to calm myself down.

"It's ok, babe. Everythings going to be alright." Luke tells me as he rubs his hand over my thigh.

"I know, I'm just nervous. My parents still don't know yet, and I'm almost three months already." i tell him.

"When we get home, we can call them up. Either over the phone, or we can Skype them. Which ever you prefer." He says.

I nod my head in response.

"Riley Martin." A younger lady, around her thirties, calls for me.

Luke and I stand up and approach the women. She leads us back a maze of hallways until we walk into our designated room.

"I'm Tara and you'll be seeing me just about every time you two come in. Alright sweetheart, this gel is going to be a tad cold." She tells me as she puts her hands into a pair of rubber gloves.

She squeezes the gel onto my belly. I flinch when it hits my skin.

Then, she takes the wand and places it over my belly.

"You see that?" She asks and points to the screen.

I nod my head, "Yeah."

"That's the fetus." She says.

I turn my gaze to Luke and see a smile on his face. Grabbing his hand, he looks at me with a smile still on his face.

"Would you like pitcures?" She asks.

"Yes." Luke and I say at the same time.

"Alright, how many?" She asks further.

I take a moment to think about how many copies I'll need.

"Eight." I tell her.

"Alright, I'll be right back." She says and hands me a paper towel.


We are now on our way home and I've become really happy.

"I bet the baby will be adorable." I think out loud.

"Why's that?" Luke chuckles.

"Because the father is you." I say.

He laughs as he pulls into the driveway. I hop out of the car and rush into the house.

"I have pictures!" I shout and run into the living room.

Nobody answers except for Kona, who squeals. I hand her the photo.

"Do you know what it is yet." She asks as she examins the picture.

"No, not yet." I say.

"I can't wait to find out if I'm going to have a little neice or nephew." Kona giggles.

"Wait, I'm going to be an uncle?" All three of the boys ask at the same time.

Kona and I burst into laughter as the boys exchange looks.

"Yes." I say in the midst of laughing.

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