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I'm about seven weeks now. And it's kinda amazing how I'm going to be a mom, when I'm still only a child myself. It's also a little scary.

But the thing I'm scared of the most is leaving Luke. Kona and I have a few more weeks until we fly back to Florida. I'm most definitely not excited for this. We leave the 28th of August.

"Baby, you ok?" Luke asks me.

"Yeah, just anxious and scared. I guess." I reply.

"Why, what's wrong? Are you feeling ok?" He asks.

"Luke I'm fine that way, I'm talking about when Kona and I leave." I sigh.

"Oh, well don't think about that now. You have like three weeks left." He says with a smile before placing a sweet kiss to my lips.

"Alright." I mumble against his lips.

"What do you want to do today?" He asks.

I shrug as a response and pop a grape into my mouth.

"Shopping?" He asks as he cocks his head to the side.

"Shopping." I repeat with a smile.


After changing into a different pair of shorts and an 'All Time Low' t-shirt. Then slipping on my sneakers, I'm ready to go.

Getting into Luke's car, we are on our way to the mall.

After a small drive, we reach the mall. I can already tell it's swarming with more than the first time we came.


That's the day me and Luke-well, yeah.

"Luke." I say and poke his arm repeatedly.

"What." He responds as he pulls into a parking spot.

"When we came here the first time, and we rushed home because we--umm--" I trail off. "I-I remember."

"Really?" He asks with a smile.

"Yes." I say and nod my head.

"That's great baby." He says and kisses my lips.


We walk into a new store. This one, being full of different things. From hats, to bathing suits, to shoes.

I go to the little selection they have for infants.

I flip through the clothes and fall in love with just about everything. The onesies are absolutely adorable.

"Luke, these are so cute." I gush as I hold up yet another onesie.

"Yes it is." He chuckles and snakes his arms around my waist.

As I continue to flip through the baby clothes, a lady comes up to us.

"Are you finding everything alright?" She asks.

"Yes, thank you." I tell her with a smile.

She returns it before walking away.

"I really wanna get something." I say and continue flipping.

"But we can't. We don't know what we're having yet." He chuckles.

"I know." I giggle, then sigh. "I'll be home when it's time to find out."

"It's ok. You can call me. And the next chance I get, I'll come to see you." He reassures me.

"Sounds like a plan." I say and smile.


I never did buy anything from that store, but I did buy myself another 'All Time Low' cd.

Luke and I are on our way to the food court. I'm not quite sure what I plan on getting. Probably just chicken fingers or nuggets. Something simple and not messy.

"What do you wanna eat?" He asks as we look at the many options.

"Ugh.." I think as I look around. "There." I say and point to a spot that looks like they sell chicken. Considering how the sign has a chicken on it.

"Alright." He says and leads me to it.


After we got out food, we wandered around looking for an empty table.

"There's one." I say and point to it.

Luke pulls me along and practically throws his food on it so nobody else can steal it. I laugh and sit down across from him.

I pop open the box that holds my chicken strips and bite into one quickly. Then frown when I absentmindedly try to dip it in honey-mustard.

"What's wrong?" Luke asks.

"I don't have any honey-mustard that's all." I say and shrug.

"I'll get you some." He says and stands up from his chair.

"Thanks, I guess." I mumble to myself as watch him walk off into the crowd.

A few minutes later, he comes back with a little paper cup full of honey-mustard.

"Here you go, babe." he says and dramatically sets it my box.

"Thanks, love." I say and dip my chicken in the sauce.


We eventually got bored with shopping, so we head home.

"Today was fun." Luke says as we change.

"Yeah. It was nice to just have some time with you." I reply and slip into a t-shirt.

"Awe" he gushes and wraps his arms around my waist.

He peppers kisses to my neck, causing me to giggle.

"I love you." He tells me.

"I love you too." I say.

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