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On the plane to paradise. Actually, I'm just going to Australia. Yeah, I guess you could call it paradise but I'm going to stick with a 'get away'.

Sure I've never been here before and it's kinda like a vacation, but I like the 'get away' thought. Because, vacations always end before you really get to do anything. Where, I'm going to be here for the whole summer.

The money Kona and I have, combined, we could stay there for a very long time. We both have at least five grand.

A lot of my family pitched in for my trip here. Then I got a babysitting job and asked for money for birthdays and holidays. And saved a lot. But I also bought bathing suits and sexy clothes. Because I mean, come on. I have to look good. I'm going to be around hot guys for Christ sakes.

We board our plane and find our seats. I sit on the inside and Kona is in the middle. She's going to hate her seat. Sitting beside some stranger for a very long time.


The plane is pretty much filled and our last seat is still empty. Isn't Kona a lucky little bitch.

"Welcome to United Airways. We will reach Australia in approximately twenty-five hours. Enjoy your flight."

Great. I'm going to be on this plane for a day. This is just peachy! Note the sarcasm.

"This is going to be torture." Kona whispers.

"Yeah, no kidding." I agree.

A few minutes after, we are told to put our phones away for take off.

The plane rumbles to life and I grab onto Kona's hand. This is my first time ever on a plane and I'm kinda scared.

She squeezes my hand and I look over at her. She gives me a smile and I return it. I take a deep breath and just relax.


"Riley." A hushed voice calls.

"Riley." they repeat.

"Riley, please get up." They say and shake me.

"What? What do you want?" I ask. Irritated I was woken up from my wonderful slumber.

"I have to go to the bathroom." Kona says as if she's a child.

"Ok..?" I trail off, not seeing her point.

"Can you come with me?" She asks and adds a pouty face.

"Kona. For Christ sakes, you eighteen years old." I say and rub my forehead.

"Please." She begs and grabs ahold of my arm.

"Fine." I say. "Fine." I repeat.

She smiles and stand up from her seat. I stand up as well and follow her back the isle to where they hold the bathrooms.

The bathroom is 'occupied'. We stand outside the door waiting for the person who is in there to come out.

I check my phone and it's 6:08 a.m. I sigh as I run my hand through my burgundy hair.


"Oh my god." I mumble. We've been standing here for like ten minutes. Ok, it's been like three.

They must've just walked in as we made our way back. I dig my phone out and play a game.

As I got bored with that one, the bathroom door opens and Kona walks in.

As the game shows up it blares the background music.

"God. Dammit." I cuss under my breath. I get a couple looks along with the guy who walked out of the bathroom.

I quickly shut the game off and mumble a soft 'sorry' to the people I disturbed.

The boy smirks and winks at me before he continues walking. But damn, he is gorgeous.

He has a black beanie on top of his head. Some blonde hair sticks out the front. He has ocean blue eyes. And dimples. Which I saw when he smirked. He's wearing black skinny jeans and black high tops. His whole outfit makes his eyes pop even more.

He is just, beautiful.

Minutes later, Kona walks out and we head back to our seats. As soon as I get comfortable and my head touches the seat, I'm out like a light.

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