Twenty Six: These Nerves Can Suck My Dick

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"I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT THAT." I banged my hands onto the low table in front of the sofa, "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? YOU CAN'T JUST ENTER MY FUCKING ROOM LIKE THAT!" The panic that had bundled up throughout the day was all unloading at once, having me scream at him - something I didn't really wan to do. It was unnecessarily hysteric, no?

"Bambi, I'm really sorry, I didn't want to invade your space, you just left your Computer on and your door open and-"

"You KNOW how much I hate that. You KNOW it yet you did it!"

He sighed, "Please calm down Bambi, it was just one time-"

"Yeah, one time enough to proof me I can't trust you."

"Oi, Bambi-" He stood up as well, expression shocked all of a sudden, as if he only now realized the impact of his action.

"Good thing you're out of here soon anyways." I hadn't meant to say that. I didn't mean it. It just slipped out like that. Heck, I hadn't even planned on making him leave.

Jungkook's face looked genuinely hurt, but what can I say? I was, too. His expression quickly changed into anger, like a defense mode both of us had installed by default, "Wouldn't wanna stay too long with an overly sensitive bitch like you."


His angry expression dropped immediately, replaced by regret.


"I NEVER SAID IT'S YOUR FAULT, JUST HEAR ME OUT!" A mixture of anger and... desperation? On his face.






Well, if this didn't shut me up effectively, "What the fuck are you even talking about?"

Jungkook lifted his arms in an appeasing gesture, eyebrows drawn together like he was in physical pain, "...sorry."

"What do you mean 'sorry'?"

"Bambi, I really need you to calm down." He forced a smile, sitting down onto the sofa again. I remained standing, "You're shaking, Bambi."

"Well, guess why, bitchass."

"Because you're angry."


"Then what got you so riled up?" His voice was weirdly diplomatic, the kind of tone my favorite teacher  from High School had always taken in when we weren't happy with something he did. He had always listened and been open for our criticism, without ever talking down to us. It was weird how Jungkook of all made me think of him.

"Your stupid ass message and how little you explained."

"What did I need to explain?" He was serious.

"Are you kidding..." I sighed, suddenly regretting not having opted for just hiding away from this. I hate confrontation as an adult because you have to solve everything by talking and being mature and shit, "....What you think." I answered vaguely.

"What I think?" Jungkook looked kind of alarmed, "What am I supposed to think??"

"See, that's what I mean." My stupid ass felt like crying, "That shit's so fucking embarrassing you asshole, look how uncomfortable you are."

"Uncomfortable?" He echoed again and I began to think that I was trying to converse with a parrot.

"It's gross, I know." I looked away.

"Gross?" He echoed again, like an idiot and I was really close to hitting him for the umpteenth time today.

"You're really annoying, you know that?" I crossed my arms, uncomfortable in my own skin.

"So that's why you were really angry?" Why was he smiling so fucking idiotically?, "-because you think I'd hate it?"

"Of course, fuckhead, I used you as inspiration to draw gay fetish porn-" Maybe it was time for me to shut up or it would only get worse.

"But I-" He mumbled something I didn't understand, making me lean forward.


"I didn't hate it, Bambi."


"I'm sorry." He closed his eyes, leaning back, "God, I'm such a fucking idiot. You probably thought I'd be, like, disgusted by you."

"Cuz that would be a normal reaction, yes."

He hummed head still thrown back, "M-hm, maybe."

"So, why don't you hate it?" He sounded genuine, making me calm down slowly as I was leaning forward onto the table curiously.

"It's uh-" He squeezed his eyes shut.

"Yeah?" I leaned even further forward, now sitting on top of the low table, our legs almost touching, while waiting for Jungkook's answer. The fact that he really didn't seem to hate me after this gave me confidence, at least a little. But after he found out the probably worst thing about me there is, he really shouldn't be a dick and keep stuff from me now.

"It's hot."




"WHAT?" I laughed incredulous.

"Oi, don't make fun of me now!"

"I'm sorry," I snorted, "It's just... were my gay comics your sexual awakening or-"

He kicked me, "Not like that."

"Then what?" I cocked my head to the side with a shit-eating grin, this new revelation having effectively rid me of all the anxiousness left.

He bit his lip thoughtfully, eyeing me with a careful look, "Okay, but please don't make fun of me."

"Can't promise anything."

"I still have this picture on my phone."

"I would never even think of making fun of you, Jeon Jungkook."

"That's better." He cleared his throat, "It's- uh, you even got my tattoo sleeve right."

"Well, I had enough chances to study them Mr. Everyday-Is-No-Shirt-Day."

He snorted, "That's fair."

"Why would that be hot tho? That's actually just creepy of me."

"Yeah, you must've looked at me a lot." He grinned

"Shut up."

"Well, I uh, like that. That you looked at me like that. And uhm... that you im-" He cleared his throat again, "Imagined me like that?"

Interesting, "And?"

"And I like that your mind can, uh, come up with this kinda stuff."

"You said like."


"You said "like", not that you're into it."

"W-Well, Bambi, I like it. That's fucking hot, okay? That's- you're kinda sexy-"

"I am?" I couldn't believe that.

So Jeon Jungkook thinks I'm, and I quote, "sexy".

That's... new




Unknown Heroes ◆ JeonJungkook✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz