In pretense of..

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An officer threw the high schooler Jungkook into the jail.
Other Officer," Hey.. Calmly.. He is just a highschooler.."
That officer," If you find out what this highschooler had done?.. Then you too will react like that.."
Other officer curiously," What did he even do?"
That officer whispered into his ears.. After hearing it, Other officer too looked at Jungkook angrily.. Jungkook felt uncomfortable of their gazes..

Suddenly a voice called Jungkook,
" Hey.. Kid.."
Jungkook looked at the man who was sitting beside at a corner in the same cell.
Jungkook at first looked around..
Then pointed it himself," Could it be.. you are talking to me?"
That man," Is there someone else beside you here in this cell?"
Jungkook," No.."
That man," I heard you rxped a woman?"

Jungkook surprisingly looked at that man.
Jungkook," How did you found out?"
That man replied," Because police officer grabbed me from the same hotel where you were too got caught.. If it's not because of you, then I would had never be caught."
Jungkook," But what did I do?"
That man," Because officers got reported about you.. And while trying to find you, they caught me.. Or else I won't be here talking with a kid in this cell.."
Jungkook hesistantly," And what did you do that you are here?"
That man smirked," I murdered someone.."
Jungkook got shocked and scared of that man.

That man," Why?.. Do I look that scary?"
Jungkook reluctantly," No.."
That man," But you should get scared.. Because I may killed you too.. Just because of you, I'm here.." Showing his fist.

That man carefully looked at Jungkook," What's your name, Kid?"
Jungkook," Jung.. Jungkook... But everyone called me Kook.."
That man," Hey.. Kook.. Do you know My next target is you?"
Jungkook shockingly looked at that man.
That man smirked," I'm joking.. Haha.."
That man," And.. I'm Ichor.."
Jungkook sighed," Ichor?.. What sorts of name is it?..
Ichor grinned," What do you mean by sorts?.. "
Jungkook," A person's name indicates him.. So it should have a good meaning.. Do you know your name's meaning?"
Ichor glared at Jungkook," It's the perfect name given to me by my boss.. No need to have any meanings.."
Jungkook," Huh?.. It's not the name given by your parents?"
Ichor," I'm an orphan.. Idiot.."
Jungkook stammered," So.. Sorry.."
Ichor," You really irritates me, Kid.."

Aftersometime another person entered that cell too.. That person quietly sat beside them.. Jungkook and Ichor completely ignored new stranger's presence.. But that person was sent to kill Ichor by Ichor's boss.. Because Ichor was put in the jail for murdering his boss's wife which was ordered by his boss himself.. To not let anyone knew about his plot after finding out Ichor was caught by police, the boss ordered to Kill Ichor too.. When they fell asleep, the other person tried to kill Ichor but got caught by Jungkook which awoke Ichor.. And as a result Ichor found out about his boss's plot.. Afterthat during their time in prison, Ichor and Jungkook became very close.. But After Jungkook was released, he never came to visit Ichor..

After lots of blackmailing, Ichor soon too got released.. And the first thing he did was targeting his old boss..

Boss," I'm sorry.."
Ichor grinned," Sorry.. What are you sorry for?.."
Boss," For.. For betraying you.."
Ichor," Then.. I'm sorry.. I won't spare you too.."
Breaking his boss's ribs,
Ichor broke his legs, bones and hands.. But still Boss pleaded Ichor to let him be alive..
Boss," Ichor.. Please Don't kill me.. Ichor," Ichor... Ichor.. What sorts of name is it?.. A person should have a  meaningful name.. But you even.."
Boss quickly interrupted," It has a meaning... I gave you this name because I saw you fighting with other goons covering in blood.."
Ichor," Huh?"
Boss," Ichor... means blood... Actually blood of gods.. And you look like a fighter that day.. So I gave you this name.."
Ichor," Why am I sudddenly feeling happy after finding my name's meaning?.. "
Heavily sighed," Then.. I'm letting you go.. But don't ever show yourself to me.. Or else.. "
Glaring at him.

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