Destroy: Side Story

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" Hey.. Jin.. Wake up.."
Jin," Hmm?" Still Dozing off," Who?"
" Your Dad.. Haha.."
Jin opened his eyes.. It was Jeremy who was laughing at him.
Jeremy smiled," Up to how long are you going to sleep?"
Jin," What?.. We are still in class."

Yoongi," Then.. Where do you thing we are right now?"
Hoseok jokingly," Maybe in his dreamland.."
Everyone laughed.
Jin irritatingly," Guys.. Stop joking.."
Jeremy," Didn't you sleep well last night?"
Jin," Me.. Ah.. I was busy on my phone last night so.." Suddenly he snapped and paused.

Yoongi," You were busy on phone?.. Whom were you talking with last night?"
Jin," Huh?.."
Pannicking," I wasn't talking with anyone.. I was just playing games.. "
Hoseok," Stop waking up all night.."
Yoongi," Exactly.. Are you a Bat to wake up all night and sleep at whole day?"
Jin," All day?.. I didn't sleep for whole day, got it?"
Jeremy," Right.. Not at all for whole day.. Just from he arrived at the class.. to till now.."
Looking at his watch," Look.. Our class is going to get over after 10 minutes.. Jin really didn't sleep for whole day, Right.. Guys?"

Jin," You too.. How can you too go against me, Jeremy?"
Jeremy," It was just a joke."
Jin glaring," But I didn't laugh at your joke.."
Hoseok," How can you laugh at our joke?.. Because right now, You are our Joke, Jin.."
Jin angrily," You.."
Hoseok ran away.. And Jin followed him.

Yoongi loudly," At least get your bags.. You idiots.."
Jeremy," They aren't coming back, now." Looking at them going outside.
Yoongi," This two will never changed..  Get Jin's bag, Jeremy.. I had Hoseok's."
Jeremy," Okay.."
Jeremy and Yoongi followed Jin and Hoseok.

Yoongi," I never wanted to confess that these dorks are actually my friends right now.."
Jeremy smiled," Why?.. They look's cute."
Yoongi irritatingly," Are you blind?"
Yoongi threw Hoseok's bag at Hoseok's face. Jin laughed loudly seeing it. Everyone laughed at Hoseok but Noone noticed at that time, Jeremy's reasons to laugh was Jin's smile.

Jin looked around after bidding farewell to his friends.. He quickly grabbed his phone.. He was about to call but suddenly he got startled by a car honked sound. Jin looked at the car. He saw the driver of that car and immediately gave a smile.
Jin," You startled me?"
Namjoon smiled at Jin," Get in.."
Jin," Okay.."

It had already been 3 months that Jin and Namjoon were going out.. But Namjoon don't want either his parents or his friends knew about his relation with a guy so he secretly used to meet Jin. Jin was also afraid of his family's and friend's reaction so he too was hiding about them with Namjoon.

Even though in Jin's Freshman year, Namjoon used to bully lots of Freshman including Jeremy, Yoongi, Jin and Hoseok. Once he got slapped from Jin when Namjoon bullying activities was going beyond the limit... Namjoon was angry at first but he started to admire Jin's courage.. Jin and his friends don't want to interact with Namjoon or his friends.. So he always put up a distance with Namjoon whenever Namjoon tried to interact with him... 

Namjoon only got closed to Jin, after asking for forgiveness to Jeremy, when Jeremy's parents complained about him.. Well the reason was actually Namjoon's Dad found out about Namjoon's bullying habit, so he scolded him and asked him to apologize to his Juniors properly.. Even though Namjoon was sad and angry about Jungkook's matter with his Dad, he had always admired and respect his Dad.. For his Dad, Namjoon could do anything.. It was just an apology so for Namjoon, it was an easy matter to solve.

As the days grows, Namjoon and Jin became closer.. Namjoon become more polite to Jin and his friends.. And soon Namjoon understand his feelings for Jin.. After lots of tryings, he finally got together with Jin.. Jin at first was hesitated because of Namjoon's past nature, but aftersometime he too couldn't resist Namjoon. And they finally got together..

Min had liked Namjoon from his Middle school days.. But he only got closed to Namjoon during High School.. As for Namjoon, Min was his best friend.. He can tell everything to Min.. Namjoon didn't even hide his family's matters to Min.. Min, who was also Namjoon's Dad's one of Business partner's Son, usually used to visit Namjoon's Home. He used to visit Jungkook and Suhan too.. Min usually had lots of talking with Jungkook than Suhan as Jungkook was quite clever and easily could understand the situation.. Before Min could say anything, Jungkook already realized Min's feelings for Namjoon too.. As you will feel comfortable with someone with whom you donot need to put up an cover, Min felt relaxed with Jungkook.. So they usually had lots of talkings.. Namjoon never wanted to know anyone about Jungkook's existence in his life, So he usually told everyone that he had only one brother.. For Namjoon's sake, Min also never declared Jungkook's existence infront of anyone including his or Namjoon's close friends even to his little brother.

Despite no one can see but Min easily realized Namjoon's changes.. At first he didn't thought much, but after seeing Namjoon too much engaging on his phone and escaping from gang's party..  He got suspicious of Namjoon.. That Namjoon must be seeing someone.. To find out about his lover, Min placed a secret camera on Namjoon's room.. As Min was always allowed on Namjoon's apartment..

But aftersometime, Min forgot about his secret camera.. As the days went by, Min could feel the distance between him and Namjoon. He  couldn't bear anymore and get an argument with Namjoon.. Namjoon thought Min must had felt lonely after Namjoon couldn't be with his best friend like old days decided to take Min to talk with Jin and his friends.. At first, Min hate the idea to talk to Juniors as he thought all his juniors must had hated him because he too used to bully them.. But as days went by, He too become friendly with Jin and his friends.. He become more close to Jeremy.. Min knew that his one-sided love for Namjoon could never be reciprocated so he decided to forget Namjoon. Also he thought Namjoon had already lover so he should now stopped..

Min slowly forgot Namjoon but his feelings got changed for Jeremy now.. Even though Min knew it was stupid to fall again, he couldn't resist his feelings again.. He thought maybe it was his second chance to love.. But Min soon realized Jeremy's feelings for Jin.. Min got heartbroken again..

Jeremy, who liked Jin, started to get jealous of Jin and Namjoon being close to each other.. Despite he forgive Namjoon in front of everyone, he never had liked Namjoon.. Not only him, there were lots of other's juniors who still hate Namjoon.. This year was Namjoon's final year, so it was last chance for Jeremy and his other mates to get revenged on Namjoon so they usually plot against him but their plan seems so small against Namjoon's bullying that they usually cancelled their plot..

Once Namjoon organized a party at his apartment to everyone.. He specially invited Hoseok, Yoongi and Jeremy because he knew Jin will come too if he invite Jin's close friends.. And as expected Jin came with his friends.. Yoongi and Hoseok got too drunk and Jin was not seen at the sight so Jeremy took them to Namjoon's bedroom for some rest.. And accidentally a vase with the hidden camera fell off when Yoongi hardly fell to the drawer.. Jeremy thought he would got scolded by Namjoon as he took two drunkards to Namjoon's bedroom and quickly put broken pieces of vase into his bag.. Aftersometime, Jin came with Namjoon.. Namjoon hate drunkards sleeping on his bed so he scold Jeremy for them putting on his bed.. Now Jeremy had no choice just to returned Drunk Hoseok and Yoongi to home.. Jin got pissed at Namjoon, for scolding Jeremy without his fault so he too joined Jeremy to help his drunks friends, leaving Namjoon guilty.. He quickly apologize to Jin and Jeremy through text for his rude behaviour. Jin smiled after reading the text.. But Jeremy was still angry at Namjoon..

After Jeremy returned home,
Risa," What?.. You got drunk?" Smelling Jeremy's clothes.
Jeremy," No.. It's my friends' smell.. Their smell got on me while I was taking them to their home. "
Risa," Then quickly go and take bath.."
Jeremy," Okay.. Mom.."

After bath, Jeremy laid on his bed. He suddenly remembered the vase.. He was about to threw but he suddenly thought if he could fixed it or not.. He found the secret camera.. He got curious about it.. He thought Namjoon must had made lots of enemies that they even were trying to spy on him on his own home.. It was a very good advantage for Jeremy to take revenge on Namjoon now.. He informed all his mates about the secret camera.. Everyone wanted to expose Namjoon's private life to make him embarrassed just as Namjoon had done to others.. Jeremy gave the secret camera to his one of his mates to expose shameless Namjoon infront of everyone to destroy his reputation.. And soon a video got exposed on University website.. But Jeremy had never thought that the exposed video will not only destroy Namjoon's life but also Jin's including him.

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