The hidden culprit

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Tae saw Namjoon near the library..
Tae," Hyung.."
Namjoon," Oh! Hi.. Tae.. Why aren't you in your class right now?"
Tae," I was about to.. But I saw you.. So.."
Namjoon," What?.. Is there something you wanted to tell me?"
Tae," Actually I.. I really felt bad for you.. I didn't know my hyung was so mean to you in the past.."
Namjoon," Well.. You don't have too feel anything.. Also It's not your fault."
Tae," No.. I mean he still was trying to harm you and your brother."
Namjoon," Well.. Suhan already knew his true face.. So there's no need to worry now.. And Min.. I don't have anything to say to him anymore.."

After a pause,
Tae," Now what?.. Are you going to be with Senior again?"
Namjoon confusingly," Wh.. What?"
Tae," Actually I liked Senior too.. But you had suffered all those troubles and blames for him.. And also I think I can never like him like you.. So I think I should really give up.. "
Namjoon," What to do with this enormous love.. He is with Kook now."
Tae quickly," Don't you know?.. Yesterday they broke up.."

Namjoon excitedly," What?"
Tae," Oh! Right.. You weren't present at that time, right.. After you left, Kook asked for break up and Senior too agreed on it.. Whatever happened between you and Senior the following night.. That indicates Senior still like you, right?.. And he even broke up with Kook now.. It means you have a chance.. "
Namjoon smirked," I knew it.."
Tae," Hmm?"
Namjoon pannicking," I mean.. Yeah.. Jin still likes me.."
Tae," Well.. Good luck, Hyung.. It's your second chance to be with your love.. Don't miss this time.. I'm leaving.. Then See you.."
Namjoon," Ah.. See ya.."
Namjoon muttered," As if I will miss.."

A strange person entered Jihan's shop.
Risa loudly," Sorry.. We are closed today." Pointing the noticed board.
That person," Oh.. Sorry.. I didn't see that.."
That person stopped. He didn't go outside. He looked confused.

Seeing him confused,
Risa asked," Can I help you for something?.."
That person," Actually.. I.. "
Hurriedly," I.. I'm sorry.." touching her legs.
Risa got startled," Wh.. What are you doing young man?"
Jihan, who was sadly looking at his Son's picture, heard his wife.. He went downstairs to check out.
Jihan, too was surprised, watching a strange young man, begging to his wife.

Risa looked at her husband," Honey.."
Jihan," Hey.. Young man.. Leave my wife.." Pulling his wife to his side.
That person," Uncle.. I'm sorry.. Please punish me.. I'm also your culprit."
Kneeling down.
Jihan," Hey.. Young man.. Stop begging and stand up.. First tell us, Who exactly are you?"
That person stood up," My name is Ken.. I used to be your son's Senior.."

Jihan forrowed his eyebrows,
" Senior?"
Heavily sighed," Don't tell me Our son did something to you too?.. If he really did, then no need to apologize.. You don't need to get scare of him.. He is nomore in this world.."
Ken clenching his hands," I know.. I found out about that.."
Jihan," If you know then that's good.. Now go.. Right now, I don't want to hear anything about him.."
Ken," But still please accept my apology.. Even though it's hard for you, but please forgive me."
Jihan irritatingly," What did you do that you are begging us that much?"
Ken looking down," Actually.. I.. I'm the reason for your son's suicide."
Risa and Jihan shockingly," What?"

The three sitting on the chair,
Ken," You may don't know but.. Once In our university we used have a bully named Namjoon.."
Jihan grinned," This Namjoon again?"
Ken shockingly," You knew about him?"
Risa," Yeah.. We already found that our son exposed a private video about him to revenge on him.. We can't believe our son could go that far.."
Ken," Jeremy what?.. But it was me who exposed that video.."
Jihan shockingly," What?.. But Our son accept that it was him who did that.."

Ken," What?.. How could it be?.. I was the one who did that.. Your son just gave a secret camera to his friends.. I used to be one of the victim of Namjoon's bullying.. When I found some juniors had some private videos of Namjoon to get back on him, I conned them to get those videos.. I was too busy on thinking on getting revenge at Namjoon that I didn't notice about the other person's life.. I thought Namjoon had to feel shame in front of everybody if everyone found he was gay.. That's why I.. "
Slapping himself," I should had think of the consequences.. But I didn't do it.."

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