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Doctor Laine," Had you ever done it before?"
Bandaging Jungkook's hand.
Jungkook," Done what?"
Laine," You knew it..I am talking about the way you handle Jin today.. I had seen him once before like that..He really became wild, you know."

Jungkook," Then ask your student to visit a Psychiatrist, Doc..Instead of scaring others."
Laine," Well, it had been almost 2 years so I thought Jin is okay now.. When I heard about it today, I got shocked too..But for me the more shocking was you..Your idea of handling a scared person as if you already knew what should be done with them.."
Jungkook," It's done. Now instead of wasting time with me. Go and check out that faint guy."
Looking at sleeping Jin.
Laine," What's to check up on him?.. He is peacefully sleeping now and I already took care of his wounds."

After Doc arrived, Jin got fainted in Jungkook's arms. Hoseok and Yoongi helped to take Jin to the infirmary. Jungkook had also injury on his hand so Doc suggest him to come infirmary with him.

Jungkook," Then I'm leav.."
Laine interrupted," You use a fear in front of him.. To let him overcome his fear, you act as if you are more coward and helpless than him.. You let him sympthasized you so that he will defeat his own fear to protect you..You use a cloth to hide yourself so that he won't see the face of the person whom he is getting scared of.. You didnot let him see you because you knew he will see that person's face again..You hugged him tightly because you knew he was still scared..But you still act as a coward because you wanted to make him braver than you..You wanted to make him realized that you are more scared person than him so that he would overcome his fear and become braver to save you..You really were doing all as if you already knew Jin's condition.. So suspicious.."

Jungkook smirked," Well..Today I'm in the mood of charity so I just helped him..Why are you making a big deal out of it?"
Laine," Because Jin is my brother."
Jungkook," Huh?.. Why are you telling me like that?..It's not that I harm your brother or something."
Laine," Because I also heard lots of things about you Mr.Jungkook. How you hurt a senior who wanted to bully you?.. How you teach a lesson to a bully senior by kissing himself in front of everyone for saving your friend?.. And now you save my brother..You look very kind and considerate ..Or can I say you are clever and tricky person."

Jungkook staring at him," What do you wanna say?..Just say it directly."
Laine," You are making yourself popular to get attention from everyone including my brother.. Now you even wanted to get close with my brother by making a good impression on him."
Jungkook," What the hell are you saying?..And who told you that I wanted to be close with your brother?.. Instead of me ask your brother to stay away from me.. Or else..."
Yoongi, Hoseok, Tae and Jimin suddenly entered.

Jimin," Kook.."
Jungkook looked at Jimin," Hi..Jimin."
Jimin," Is it done?"
Jungkook," Ah..yes, it is done."
Yoongi," Then why did it take that long?"
Jungkook sneering at the Doc," Well, Me and Doc were just having some chatting."
Hoseok," Aren't you late for your job?"
Jungkook," Oh!.. Yeah..Thanks for reminding me, Senior."

Tae," Is senior Jin alright, Doc?"
Laine," Ah!.. Yes, he is sleeping now."
Tae," What will we say to him if he ask about a moment ago incident?"
Jungkook," Just tell him, that he lost his energy due to stress and got faint."
Jimin," But wouldn't he know about it?''
Laine," No..He won't remembered anything..But I'm suspicious how you knew all detailed of Jin's condition."
Looking at Jungkook.
Jungkook," Or Do you want me tell him how I handle his fear..No actually how I handle him today?.. I think it's better idea if We tell him he will get impressed by me..What do you think?" Smirking at Laine.
Jimin and Laine at once, " No need."

Yoongi," Huh?"
Jimin," I mean why to tell Senior Jin about such a bad experience of him today.."
Laine," Exactly.. Jin won't like that if he knew he scared his juniors today."
Hoseok," But Hyung..I think we should let Jin know about today."
Jimin," Hyung?.. Is he your brother, Senior?" Looking at Hoseok.
Jungkook," No.. Doc is that Sleeping Beauty's.. or should I say Fainting Hancy's brother." Pointing at Jin.
Yoongi and Hoseok nodded.

Tae," Wow.. You really know lot's of things, Kook.. Even I don't know the relation between Senior Jin and Doc."
Jungkook," Who wanted to know about that Fainting Hancy?..It is Doc who told me."
Laine," Fainting Hancy?"

Yoongi and Hoseok chuckled at the nickname given by Jungkook to Jin.

Jungkook," Then.. I'm leaving. And I also think there's no need to tell Senior Jin about the incident it will only added in his worries."
Jimin little pissed," Why are you worrying about Senior?"
Jungkook," Who is worried about him?..Do you wanted to see the same scene again?" Looking at Jimin.
Jimin," No.."
Jungkook," Exactly..May be he is getting more stress these days that his bad past memory got resurfaced."
Hoseok," Actually You are right.. These days for the election we are too much busy and there's lots of Stress..And Jin is the president of student council. He had lots of responsibility on him.."
Yoongi," Not to mention we even visit Jeremy's parents this week..And also these days we talk lots about Nam.."
Hoseok kicked Yoongi's legs.

Yoongi," Ah..It hurts."
Hoseok," Sorry.. I suddenly wanted to stretch my legs."
Yoongi," Did you forget I have.."
Jungkook," Heart in your head?"
Everyone laughed at sudden Jungkook's joke except Laine.
Jungkook," Then I'm leaving..I will be late."
Jimin," I'm coming with you..Bye Seniors."
Tae," Me too.. I have some works to do..See you tomorrow Seniors, Bye Doc."
The three left.

Hoseok," I thought you don't want to let others knew about the relation between you and Jin." Looking at Laine.
Yoongi,"Right, we also only knew about you two when Jin was going through like this 2 years ago."
Laine," I just wanted to threat this Jungkook."
Hoseok," But why?..He was just helping Jin."
Laine," Because he is that Namjoon's little brother.. Don't forget it's because of that Namjoon, everything had happened.. The way this Jungkook is becoming popular and coming close to you all..It's suspicious.. Not to mention he even worked at Jeremy's parents shop now."

Hoseok," How did you know Kook work there?"
Laine," Did you forget the cafe beside Jeremy's shop?"
Yoongi," Yeah!..I knew about it.. What about that cafe?"
Laine," It is now owned by my wife..I saw this Kook there while visiting my wife. That's how I knew."
Yoongi," When did you get married?..And when we visit Jeremy's parents Jin didn't tell me about it?"
Laine," I recently married her. Jin and my wife are just n't in good terms.. So Jin didn't knew about it yet.."

Hoseok," But Hyung, I don't think Kook knew anything about Jeremy."
Laine," Don't believe in his bullshit.. There are lots of shops around this world but he is working in that small barber shop when he is from such a rich family.. Do you think it's just a coincidence?.. Not to mention he is becoming close to you all and today his idea to handle Jin was.."
Yoongi," Hyung is right.. It really is suspicious of his sudden appeareance  He indeed is very good at everything.. As if he already prepared everything.
Hoseok," But Yoongi, Kook did not know anything about the relation between Namjoon and Jin, not even Namjoon relation with Jeremy?"
Yoongi," May be he is pretending?.. May be Namjoon tell him to do everything?"
Hoseok," But.."

Laine interrupted," Just keep your close eye on this Jungkook.. He is very suspicious."
Jin," Who is suspicious?"
Jin woke up.

Laine," Did You wake up?"
Jin," Who were you talking about now?"
Laine," Noone..It.. It just a fictional story for my son..He was asking me to  help him to write a story..I had no idea so I just asked helped from your friends."
Jin," Son?.. You mean your wife's son."
Laine nodded. Jin look little pissed.

Jin," What am I doing here?"
Hoseok," Oh..You..Oh!.. You hurt your finger right?"
Jin,"Yeah I know that.. After that Maybe I hurt my Knees..then why didn't I remember anything?"
Hoseok," After that you got faint.. We carried you here. Hyung told that it was because you were taking lots of stress."
Jin," Stress?.. Really?.. Was it a dream then?"
Yoongi," Yeah, it was a dream..Totally dream."
Jin suspiciously," Yoongi, Why are you acting so weird?"

Hoseok pannicking," No..Actually Yoongi too is getting lots of stress these days so sometimes he don't know how to behave."
Jin," Whatever..What about others?"
Hoseok," Others?"
Jin," Umm.. Jimin, Tae and that.. that Kook."
Yoongi," Oh..They had already gone away. After bandaging Jungkook's hand.. "  Oops.. Slip of tongue..

Jin," Bandaging..Why? What happened to his hand?"
Yoongi got puzzled. So Laine interfere," Nothing just little scratch.."
Jin," That guy is really careless..That's how he must had scratched himself."
Yoongi," You are right, Jin..Absolutely right.''
Hoseok whispering to Yoongi," You are over acting, Yoongi."
Yoongi shuts himself but Jin got suspicious of them.
Jin thought," Is it me overthinking?.. Or they are acting suspicious?"

I ..❔.. YOUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें