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Inside Juhi's car,
Juhi," Suhan.. You mean that kid is working at my cafe?"
Jungkook nodded.
Juhi," Why him again?.. That time too because of him you reject me."
Jungkook," It was not his fault that time.. It was me who.."
Juhi interrupted," Stop blaming yourself.. But tell me how long are you going to be with them just for the sake of .."

Jungkook interrupted," I heard you got married again."
Juhi smiled," Ah.. yes.. He is a very nice person."
Jungkook," Kookie.. Does he really resemble me?"
Juhi," Of course.. You two look exactly like each other especially when you eat..Haha.." She laughed.
Jungkook grinned," I heard mo.. I mean your's mom died."
Juhi," She?.. Ah.. Yes, I wanted to tell you but that time I couldnot contact you."
Jungkook," I should have remained in contact with you."
Juhi," It's in the past now.. But aren't you going to stay with me?"
Jungkook," Not right now.. I just had to make sure Suhan is fine.. Then maybe.."

Juhi," You are still hesistating?"
Jungkook," I found something absurd 2 years ago.. So I don't know."
Juhi," Is it about your father?"
Jungkook," Did you too know about him?"
Juhi didnot give an answer.

Jungkook," When did you find about him?"
Juhi," Stop thinking about him now. He is no more.. Just think about yourself now.. If you didnot know what to do with yourself then think about me.."
Jungkook jokingly," Whenever I think about you, it remind me of a ghost.."
Juhi," You.." punched Jungkook.
Jungkook," Can you do me a favour?"
Juhi," Hmm?"
Jungkook," For some time Let's pretend we didnot know each other.."
Juhi," But.."
Jungkook," Just for some time.. After that I make sure Suhan won't get bullied by Seniors maybe I.."
Juhi," Fine, I will wait. But don't take long time."
Jungkook nodded.

After that Juhi went to her cafe and Jungkook headed to the barber shop.
Jihan," Coffee..  Does it take that much time?"
Jungkook," Oh! Coffee."
Jungkook forgot it in the car.
Jungkook," I.. I dropped it. Should I buy you another one?"
Jihan," Forget it.. I don't want to drink anymore."
Jungkook," Really.. Then."
Jihan had seen Jungkook with a woman before. Even though Jungkook is doing them a favour but  still he could tell Jungkook is a very spoiled and playboy type of person.
Jihan whispered," Did I make a mistake asking him to do us a favour?"

Next day,
Jungkook saw Jin at the university entrance.
Jungkook," Hello Senior."
Jin looked at Jungkook," Hi!"

Jungkook can't wait for the move of Jin anymore. But He also can't attack Jin without any reasons. So he had to compel Jin to bully him now. It's only last resort for him.

Jungkook," Senior, what are you doing?"
Jin," Arranging the list of upcoming activities.. Why?"
Jungkook," Really?"
Jin," Is there something you wanna say?.. Just say it quickly."
Jungkook," I just wanted to talk with you."
Jin," Talk?..About what?"
Jungkook," Well.. Umm.. Yesterday you look very cool when you taught Wen and Hare a lesson."
Jin,"  Wasn't it your idea?"
Jungkook," But still you were the one who did the impossible. If it was me, I'm sure I can't do that."
Jin," Did you forget you are the one who kissed that guy in front of everyone to teach him a lesson?"
Jungkook," Right, it was me."
Smiling awkwardly.

Suddenly Suhan," Morning Senior."
Jin," Morning."
Suhan," Oh! Morning Kook."
Jungkook," Morning, Suhan."
Suhan," Senior, Can I too join the student council?.. Actually after I saw you I thought you were cool. I also wanted to help others just like you."
Jin," Sure, Why not?"
Jungkook grabbed Suhan and whispered," Didn't I tell you to stay away from final year Seniors?"
Suhan whispering back," Don't worry.  Senior Jin will help me if I get in trouble."
Suhan," Senior.. wait for me."
Running towards Jin.
Jungkook," But He is the real trouble."

Suhan," Hello! Seniors.. I'm Suhan.. I will be soon joining Student council."
Yoongi," Hello."
Hoseok," A fresher again."
Jimin," I'm not your senior. I'm Jimin."
Jungkook irritatingly," For the whole day you are following Senior Jin for membership.. But what are you doing here, now? It's not that we share the same department."
Tae," Exactly.. You should go and eat with your friends."
Suhan," Why are you pushing me away?.. Even Senior Jin did not say anything."

Jungkook angrily looked at Jin,
" Senior, Tell him to go away."
Jin," Why would I? I didnot ask him to follow me.. It is he, who wanted to follow me."
Jungkook," Suhan..go away."
Hoseok," Why are you suddenly pushing him away?.. Isn't he your junior?.."
Jin mocking," May be he is jealous that his junior thinks I'm cool than him."
Jungkook," It's not like that."
Jungkook thought," I'm not an idiot to let fox guard the henhouse. I should keep Suhan away from Jin.. But how?"
Jungkook texted Suhan.

After reading it, Suhan looked at Jungkook. Jungkook smirked.
Suhan," I.. I think I should go.. I have my class.. Then see you."
Hoseok confusingly," What happens to him suddenly?"
Jungkook smiled," May be he wanted to study now."
Jungkook threatened Suhan to go to his class otherwise he will tell Namjoon about him.

When Jungkook was not around, Suhan again approached Jin.
Suhan," Hello Senior."
Jin," Hi! Suhan. But don't you think you are acting weird?"
Suhan," What do you mean?"
Jin," Do you think I'm an idiot?.. Just because you tell that you idiolize me I will believe it.. You are not behaving like a fan.. I thought you will tell me sooner what you want but you gave me no choice. That's why now I'm confronting you.. What exactly do you want from me?"
Suhan," Actually I.. I want you to forgive Namjoon Hyung.."

Jin trembled hearing suddenly Namjoon's name," What?.. Why?"
Suhan," He really feel guilty after leaving you.. He is in pain now."
Hoseok and Yoongi too arrived there.
Jin angrily," Who the hell are you asking me to forgive Namjoon?"
Jungkook warned Suhan not to reveal his identity but Suhan thought it won't be bad if he revealed to him.
Suhan," I'm his little brother."
Yoongi, Hoseok and Jin got shocked.

Jin surprised," What?"
Yoongi surprisingly," But Isn't Kook his brother?"
Suhan," He too is.. But I'm Namjoon's Hyung real brother."
Hoseok," What do you mean by real?"
Suhan," Kook is my adopted brother but Hyung think he is our step brother so they aren't in good terms."
Grabbing Jin's hand,
Suhan," Please forgive my brother.. He needs your forgiveness."
Jin push Suhan away.
Jin loudly," What do you mean by need?.. Do you even know what sorts of person your brother is?"

Jungkook tried to find Suhan in his department but Dim informed him that he went to see Jin.
Jungkook whispered," Please don't do anything stupid, Suhan.."
He was about to headed towards Suhan. Suddenly, Hoseok approached him.
Hoseok," Kook, Is Suhan Namjoon's real brother?"
Jungkook's eyes got big.

Jungkook," Who told you that?"
Hoseok," Suhan did."
The truth that Jungkook was covering with so many lies got revealed by the same person for whom all lies were made.
Jungkook," Where is he now?..Tell me where is Suhan now?"
Hoseok," He is with Jin in council room."
Pointing the room.

Jungkook knocked the door.
Jungkook," Open the door.. Suhan.."
Yoongi," They locked it from inside."
Jungkook got pannicked just imagining what can be happened with Suhan scared him. He broke the door without thinking anything. But when he entered he saw Suhan on the ground bleeding his hand, Jin was grabbing a glass covered with blood.

Jungkook went to Suhan," Suhan, are you alright?.. Just give me a respond."
Suhan was fainted.
Yoongi," Let me carry him to the infirmary."
After Yoongi left with Suhan.
Jungkook directly went to Jin and slapped him.
Jungkook," Are you happy now?.. You wanted to bully Namjoon's little brother that much that you ended up stabbing him?"
Jin," Me.. no..It's..''
Jungkook angrily," If anything happened to him, then I promise I won't let you be alive that easily."
Jungkook rushed towards infirmary.

Jin looked at Hoseok puzzling," I did not hurt him, Hoseok."
Hoseok," Jin, I know you can't hurt.."
Hoseok saw Jin's hands were bleeding.
Hoseok," Jin, you are bleeding."
Jin," I.. I.."

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