Mr. Bigmouth..

662 63 18

After the arguments, other students dragged Wen and Hare along their friends to Dean's office. Dean promised to punished them. So Jin and others headed towards the council room. Tae too followed them.

Hoseok," Are you fine, Jin?"
Jin," I'm fine."
Yoongi," Don't worry Dean already warned them before.. I'm sure this time they won't be spared easily."
Jin," I hope so.."
Jimin," But I can't get it.. Why were they suddenly trying to harm you?"
Jungkook," Of course.. It was because Senior punished them before.. They just know to revenge others."
Yoongi," Right.. These sorts of people.. I hate them."
Tae," Wen and Hare.. I can't believe they will crossed their limits."
Jimin," For such worst people, there is no limitation."
Yoongi," By the way, At that place what were you doing with Kook, Jin?"
Jin," Ah! I remember.. I had something to tell you, Kook."
Jungkook," What is it?"

Tae got texted from Min.
Tae quickly," Sorry Seniors.. I need to go.. Please take care, Senior Jin."
Jimin," Actually I also had an emergency at my home.. I need to leave too."
Yoongi," Really?.. Then go.. Bye."
Tae and Jimin both left.
Hoseok teasingly," Now.. what is it?.. What sorts of secret you were going to share with Jungkook only?"
Jin irritatingly," Shut up.. Hoseok.. I am not in the mood for your joke."
Hoseok seriously," Sorry.."
Jungkook curiously," Is it that serious matter?"
Jin clenched his hand," Actually.. Maybe I'm wrong.. Or may be I am just suspicious.. But today I saw Min and Suhan together."

Yoongi confusingly," What's wrong if you see them together?.. Can't they be seen together?"
Hoseok," Now.. I remember.. Does Min not aware that you are not Namjoon's brother?.. I mean you still are.. But I mean real one."
Jungkook," He knows.. He knows everything about Namjoon.. That's what also make me confused when he asked Namjoon's well-being in front of you all even though he too knew that I and Namjoon are not in good terms."
Yoongi," It means he knew Suhan is Namjoon's brother.. Look Jin, Min was just talking to his friend's brother."
Jin," Really?.. So, I again suspect wrong."
Yoongi," Again?.. Are you going to be detective or something?.. These days you are suspecting everyone, Jin. "

Jin still was not satisfied with this conclusion.
Yoongi," Whatever.. I'm leaving too.. See you tomorrow."
Hoseok," Umm.. See you."
After Yoongi left.
Hoseok heavily sighed," Actually truth is Today.. I too thought Tae and Min were acting quite suspicious."
Jin," What?"
Jungkook," Acting?.. They were suspicious."
Jin," You too think that.."
Jungkook," Of course.. But everyone are convinced that Tae is a nice person so he shouldn't be doubted."

Hoseok," Actually.. I had never trusted Tae.. I don't know but I always think Tae had something that he is hiding."
Jin," What can he hide?.. I know I was suspecting Tae, but I don't think he can harm or hurt anyone."
Jungkook," Senior, are you innocent or stupid.. Didn't you see when everyone was present to save us, where was Tae at that time?.. Even though he was too in crowd, he didnot come at front."

Jin," What?.. Do you want Tae to get hurt because of us?.. Maybe he couldn't pass through the crowd.. or may be he was scared."
Jungkook smirked," Is he a kid or something to get scared?"
Jin," You.."
Hoseok," Stop fighting.. Fine Only Me and Kook are suspicious of Tae.. You believe in Tae.. We get it.."
Jungkook,'' Whatever.. do whatever with him, Senior." Glaring at Jin.
Jin angrily," I will trust him."

After a pause,
Jin couldnot hold anymore," Actually today I saw Suhan and Min together.."
Jungkook," Had you gone crazy, Senior?.. You already told... "
After a second Jungkook realized,
" Hold a second.. You saw them together.. What were they doing?"
Hoseok," What sorts of question is it, Kook?.. What do you mean.."
Jin quickly interrupted," I saw them hugging each other."
Jungkook clenched his hand.

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