Chapter 20: Stiles' Graduation

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(a/n: sorry for the time skip guys. I just want to get a year out of the way cause nothing scandalous happens.)

"Stilly wake up it's graduation day!" I screamed jumping on his bed.

"10 more minutes," he groaned rolling over. I plopped down onto his side.

"No. I gave you an extra 30 minutes to sleep while I got ready. Now get up before you're late for your own flipping graduation you turd!" I exclaimed shaking him. Oh yeah Stiles and I have keys to the other person's house, so that we may let ourselves in.

"Fine. I'm up. I'm up," he said rolling over to his back as best he could with me still on him.

"Yay! Now hurry up. Scott and Allison are already here," I told him getting up and going downstairs.

"Is he just now getting up?" Scott asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yup. That boy sleeps longer than a newborn baby I tell you," I responded blowing a strand of my hair out of the way. I wasn't as dressed up as Allison was, but that's okay with me, cause I'm not the one graduating. After the graduation ceremony, Stiles and I are going to have a breakfast date and just hang out together. He's gotten accepted to college, in New York. A whole plane ride away from me. I don't want him to leave, but I also don't want to hold him back. See my problem here. When Stiles was dressed and ready to go, we left for the high school. The ceremony was extremely boring. I have no idea how I'm going to sit through mine without falling asleep first. Once it was done, Stiles and I went straight to the hospital. My mother has something to give to him. When we got there I walked straight to the front desk.

"Yes hi. I'm here to see Melissa Evanz," I told the lady at the reception desk. She paged my mother telling her I was here.

"Why are we here exactly?" Stiles asked wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Because my mother supposedly has something for you, but she won''t tell me what it is," I pouted to him. He nodded his head in understanding and we waited for my mother. She came out from around the corner with a bag and balloons.

"Congrats honey," she congratulated, hugging him and handing him the stuff.

"Thanks Ms.E," he said grabbing the stuff. We stayed to chat for a little bit longer and then left for breakfast. I'm going to miss this little butt when he's off at Uni.

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