Chapter 10: Back Story Time

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"What just happened?" Stiles asked me once I finally calmed down.

"A panic attack. I have them every time I see my dad. Or when I believe I see him," I explained looking him in the eye. He looked back at me understandingly and started the car.

"Since the parking lot is full of people, want to go to my house, so you're not alone?" he asked me. I nodded and we were off. Once we got to his house I could tell he was dying to ask me a question.

"Go ahead and ask. I don't mind answering it," I told him.

"Why do you have a panic attack when you see your dad?"

"When I was three my mom finally told my dad to leave. He was abusive, and he drank a lot as well as did drugs. My granny was convinced he was the devil himself. She made him leave because she was afraid that one day he'll lay a hand on me and she didn't want that. I have panic attacks when he's in my peripheral vision because when I was five, he kidnapped me and not only abused me, but he and some friends ummm, had there ways with me," I explained to him messing with the ribbon I tied into my hair for the game.

"Mylia," Stiles coaxed lifting my chin up, "What he did to you is not except-able. He shouldn't even be walking as a free man. The fact that he found where you and your mom moved is outrageous. If it makes you feel any better at all, you can stay here till you mom stops working the night shift," he consoled me. I broke down crying and hugged him to me tightly.

"That's not the worst part. He kept me till I was 10. I'm completely terrified that he'll get me again and do the exact same things." I muffled into his shoulders. He just rubbed my back and whispered sweet nothings in my ear. This day can't get any worse.

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