Chapter 12:......................

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"STILES!" I screamed as I watched my dad punch him again.

"Stop please!? Please stop hurting him?! I'll do what ever you want," I begged him watching Stiles become bloody and bruised. My dad just smirked at me and pulled out a gun.

"NO!" I screamed bolting up breathing heavily and sweating.

"Mylia, hey, shh, shh, shh. It's okay. It was just a nightmare," Stiles coaxed as he pulled me into a hug. This is the fifth nightmare I've had tonight. Thank god tomorrow is Saturday. I've been having them since I agreed to be his girlfriend. I didn't tell him this till I was about to fall asleep though. It's my one fear that someone I love is going to get hurt and I won't be able to save them. I hugged him closer to me and focused on his breathing. He whispered soothing words into my ears and would occasionally kiss my temple.

"You wanna talk about it?" Stiles asked me. Did I want to talk about it? How do I explain to my boyfriend that I dreamed that my dad was about to shoot him while I watched unable to move, so I can save him?

"I had a nightmare. It's nothing that important. Everyone gets them," I said trying to convince myself more than him.

"No, it was more than a simple nightmare. I can tell by the look on your face. C'mon, tell me," Stiles said pulling my into his lap. My back was facing his chest. I took his hand and started fiddling with his fingers.

"I dreamed that my dad killed you in front of me and I couldn't do anything to save you. It's stupid really. I always have a dream of someone I love being hurt by my dad after I see him," I shrugged continuing to mess with his fingers. He pulled his hand out of my fingers and turned me around.

"That's not stupid. That proves that you really care about people. Ok?" he informed me.


I looked up to see Stiles smiling at me. It's hard not to smile back when he's just sitting there looking like a puppy. He leaned in to kiss me and I leaned back.

"I have bed breath," I told him letting my natural accent slip.

"I don't care. Cute accent by the way," he shrugged. I sighed, shaking my head and leaned in to kiss him. You can say it got pretty heated till we heard a crash from downstairs.

"What was that?" Stiles asked as his alarm went off. I groaned and we both got up to go shut up his car.

"Babe, I hate to tell you this, but your car is a cockblocker," I told him as we walked outside. Gosh tonight is cold.

"Yeah. I know," he said as he tried to get his car alarm to stop, "I have to turn it off from the inside. Stay right there ok."

"Yes father," I stayed by the porch like he asked me to while he went to go deal with his car.

"Hey sweetheart. I hoped you missed me," I heard my dad say before there was a pinch in my neck causing me to see darkness.

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