|Chapter Thirty-Seven : Make Your Choice|

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I return back his smile, "Atleast one good thing that happens out of this is you get to be back with your mate."

Kane's eyes widens as if he just realized about that before they snap to me in astonishment, "I forgot about that idiot!"

"Is that how you call your mate?" I laugh but he just shrugs nonchalantly, forgetting all about his gloomy mood at the mention of his mate.

"Ryrar is an idiot, not going to lie. I mean, he tried to resist me. Me! I'm not aware about others opinion but I know for myself that I'm hot." He fans his face as if to emphasize his point.

I shake my head despite myself, "Sure you are."

Well, he wasn't particularly wrong. He certainly had the face and the charms.

'IF VALERIAN WOULD HAVE HEARD THIS, HE'D HAVE GONE GREEN WITH JEALOUSY.' Pretty reminds, making a smile pull to my lips at Valerian and his caveman possessiveness.

'He surely would have.' I retort before shutting her off.

"Are you going to tell Valerian about the babies?" Kane asks making me turn to him in confusion.

"Babies? It's just one baby." I tell him.

Kane gives me an 'are you serious' look, "You don't know?"


"The Verakov Bloodline." He says face-palming himself as if my obliviousness baffles him, "There's always been twins. Your grandfather and your grand aunt. Your father and Narcissa. You and your twin. Obviously, your children would be twins too."

"I didn't know that. . ." I murmur, my hand involuntarily moving over to my stomach, "So they're two of them?"

"Yes!" Kane turns to me, "And the elder one is going to be a lycan/witch hybrid. All of the first borns were. Even your father. Most likely, your twin brother is one too."

"Woah. I didn't know this either." My round eyes stare at him as if he was a creature from another planet.

"Moishka. You're clueless." Kane shakes his head, "Your grand mother was a creepy witch who used to worship the demons in secret to gain eternal power. Theirs only two percent of people whose offerings are accepted. And she ironically happened to be that person. Her offerings were accepted and she became a demonic witch who gained few powers as gifts which could only be considered a curse, as per me."

"Why?" I ask suddenly dreading for my unborn first born.

"Because these dark powers are not just limited to her. Once a witch gains eternal power of the demons, she sacrifices half her soul to them and even half the souls of her future generation's first-borns. Which means, all the first borns who'd be her descendents will be half demonic witches too. Whether they want to be or not, they're stuck with it. That's why your father was a lycan/ demonic witch hybrid. And now yours and your brother's future first borns will be too."

"That's a lot." I mumble feeling dizzy at the array of information dumped on me.

"Tell me about it." Kane shakes his head, "Your family has always been complicated. I wonder how your brother's life is."

My mood sours as I think of my twin who I've never met, "I do wonder sometimes too. I just hope his life is less chaotic than ours."

Kane nods but as a loud howl resounds through the silent graveyard, we both turn to each other in alarm.

"Hounds!" Kane and I shriek in unison before looking at each other in fear.

"Wait, you're scared of them too?" I ask Kane to which he gives me a deadpanned look,

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