The True Mischevious One

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The Adira peered out her new bedroom window as Frigga brushed her long brown and blond highlights. The servants had given her a new dress. It was yellow, the color of happiness, but she had refused to wear it and requested a black one instead.

The first tear finally made its way down her face, dripping onto her arm. Of all these years, she never knew. She knew she was alone, but never knew how alone she truly was. Her father, mother, and brother. All gone. Her dearest friends, Siatta and Nook were gone too. 

"I can feel your pain," Frigga whispered.

Adira sniffed. "No, you can't."

Frigga stopped brushing. "I feel more than you think. I am a mother after all."

"A mother of two rambunctious idiots." 

Frigga smiled, not knowing what her words meant but fully knowing that it definitely described her sons' behavior today. "They're not that bad. Thor was just a little overexcited and Loki was just jealous."

Adira decided to change the subject. "Do you have a piano?" 

"I'm not sure what that is."

"It's a musical instrument." She explained.

"Oh, well then I have a flute."


"Maybe a harp?"


"Would you like me to bring you one?" Frigga offered.

"No, it's fine. Maybe tomorrow. You've already done so much for me." Adira forced a smile. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Frigga nodded. "Good night."

Adira watched as the beautiful old woman left her room. She turned back to the window and leaned against the seal. To make herself feel a little better she started singing.


Loki sat on the sofa near Thor's bed as he waited for him to change. "You should have been more kind to her," he scolded.

Thor slipped a lighter cotton shirt over his head and chuckled at Loki. "I learn the best from you."

He rolled his eyes. 

"Besides, why do you care? It's not like you haven't done worse." Thor crouched down in front of him. "Remember that one time you turned into a snake and I picked you up and then you stabbed me and-"

"Oh enough, already!" Loki pushed him away and stood up from the sofa.

Thor laughed. "Good night, brother!"

"Good night." Loki opened the door and slammed it behind him.

Even as he was walking towards his bedchamber, he could still hear Thor making a fool of himself. Laughing at literally nothing.

He stopped in front of his door and was about to put his hand on the nob when he heard something in the distance. Intrigued, Loki followed the voice out into the courtyard. Up in one of the towers, was Adira, singing in the window. He didn't know what song she was singing, but it was beautiful. He smiled, a breath of amazement escaping him.

"Well, she did say she is blessed to oversee all talent," he whispered to himself.

"A dream is a wish your heart makes when you're fast asleep," she sang.

After a few more minutes of listening, Loki felt he had invaded her privacy long enough and went back to his room, with the full intention of not getting distracted again.

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