Girlfriend Your Jealousy's Showing

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3rd POV

It's just a regular day in Beacon. Students are enjoying their final day of their fourth year. Everyone is positively beaming with joy except Yang Xiao Long, she's currently leering from behind a corner at her boyfriend.

For the past three days he's been seen hanging out with a second girl. Normally this wouldn't bother Yang too much but whenever she asks him what they did he'd just say nothing important. This was not a good thing because Yang had a bad tendency to overanalyze a harmless situation. 

That's why she's been tailing Y/N all day. The moment he left she followed closely behind him. As of the moment he's arrived at the house of that girl. They share a hug which makes Yang slightly grit her teeth. 

Y/N: "You look good Sky."

Sky: "Thanks. Shall we get going?"

Y/N: "Yep."

They walk away and eventually stop at a small church. Yang sneaks into the confession booth and watches as Y/N and Sky walk up to the pastor.

Y/N: "Morning father."

Pastor: "Morning Y/N, Sky, how are you two this fine day?"

Sky: "Alright, just came by to make sure everything's in order."

Pastor: "Yep, everything is all set."

Y/N: "Good, this means a lot to us."

Yang clenches her fist when Y/N and Sky leave the church. They now walk into a jewelry store where Yang looks through the window. Her eyes fall on Y/N as he and Sky look at some rings. Yang's eyes then widen as Sky points at one. 

She steps away from the window and begins walking back to Beacon crying. How could this happen to her? Why would Y/N leave her for another woman? Did she not love him enough, was it her jealousy? She tries to figure it all out when she finally hits Beacon. As she makes her way to her dorm she's confronted by Ozpin.

Ozpin: "Miss Xiao Long, what's the matter?"

Yang: "I think my boyfriend's going to leave me."

Ozpin: "Y/N? He was such a good kid."

Yang: "Do you think I pushed him away?"

Ozpin: "I cannot say. My advice would be to ask him."

Yang nods and heads off to speak with her boyfriend. She heads to his dorm where noises can be heard. Her eyes turn red as she bursts into the room. 

Yang: "What's going on!?!?!"

Everyone: "Surprise!!!!!"

She reels back as all her friends and teammates smile.

Yang: "W-what's going on here?"

Ruby: "It's a surprise party."

Yang: "For who?"

Nora: "For you silly."

Yang: "Huh?"

Just then Y/N walks to her.

Yang: "What's going on Y/N?"

Y/N: "Surely you didn't forget what today is."

Yang's eyes return to normal as she thinks of what could possibly be special about today. She sighs giving up.

Yang: "I forgot."

Y/N: "Today's marks the day we first met."

Yang's eyes widen, how could she have forgotten? Then Sky walks next to her.

Yang: "Okay, I've gotta ask. What's you connection with Y/N and why have you been spending the last few days together?"

Y/N: "This is my sister Sky. And we've been planning this all out for you."

Yang looks down feeling stupid for overthinking. Y/N then grabs her hand.

Y/N: "Yang, we've been together ever since we came to Beacon. And I was wondering if you'd do me the honors,"

He reaches into his pocket pulling a diamond ring.

Y/N: "In becoming my wife."

Tears begin to fall from her cheeks as she frantically shakes her head yes. Y/N places the ring on her finger as they share a kiss. A few days later everyone stands as Yang walks down the aisle with her father.

Tai: "So proud of you sweetie."

Pastor: "Do you Y/N L/N take Yang Xiao Long as your lawfully wedded wife?"

Y/N: "I do."

Pastor: "And do you Yang Xiao Long take Y/N L/N as you lawfully wedded husband?"

Yang: "I do."

Pastor: "Then by the power vested in me I pronounce you man and wife, you may now kiss the bride."

They seal their marriage with a kiss as everyone in the church cheers. From that day onward Y/N and Yang would live on as a happy couple that would make a big happy family.

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