Memory 38: Plans

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"Wraith," asked Yosuke by writing down on his notebook, "I want you to look in your dimensions. Would everyone be able to make it out alive?"

"You don't need to see into dimensions to know that at least one of us won't survive," replied Wraith, having already peeked into his five dimensions.

Kaminaro got out of his car, looking at the tall building before him, "I can't believe I'm doing this. Is my Plague Magia even strong enough to destroy this entire building?"

Kaminaro shook his head and began walking towards the building's garage. However, he stopped in his tracks. In front of him was a man in a suit and sunglasses.

"Can I help you?" asked Kaminaro.

"You sure can," said the man, "Kaminaro Suzumiya."

Kaminaro's eyes widened before closing, shaking his head and laughing.

"And to think that I had actually lost them..." smiled Kaminaro, "They've brought friends to help aid them as well. Sorry, but there's no chance that I'm going to lose it all here. Not this far."

"Talk all you want," said Izaru as he raised his fist, "But keep in mind what your last words are going to be."

"I'm confident that you won't be able to win," said Kaminaro, raising his hands as he took off his gloves, brown smoke emerging from them, "A sharp pain down my spine tells me you're alone."

Before Kaminaro knew it, the sharp pain had caused him to flinch and stumble backwards. Had he not, he would've met the end of his life by Izaru's fist, which was right in front of him. Kaminaro swung his hand in front of him, letting the brown smoke flow in between the two.

Medusa pulled Izaru away from the smoke, "Don't touch it! No matter how strong your skin is, the inside of your body can still be affected by that plague!"

"Two people?" thought Kaminaro in confusion.

"Instead," said Medusa, jumping out of Izaru's back, "Let someone else handle the fighting. Someone that isn't affected by humanities natural consequences!

Just keep supplying me with energy!"

Medusa lunged at Kaminaro, swinging her claws faster than he could dodge. His suit began to tear as the blood became more apparent on his clothing. Not only that, but every time he looked at this creature's eyes, he would feel himself getting slower and slower. Not only that, but Izaru began to back away slowly.

Kaminaro had enough of this and ran past Medusa, getting through the damage he was receiving and flying past Izaru.

"He's trying to get away!" yelled Izaru, chasing after him.

As Izaru and Medusa entered the garage below the company building, they looked around the place to try and find out where he could hide.

"Show yourself, Kaminaro Suzumiya!" exclaimed Izaru, his voice echoing through the parking lot.


Izaru rolled to the ground, dodging the car that had exploded towards him.

"What was that?" exclaimed Medusa in confusion.

"Plague Magia may be limited in terms of the supernatural like you," said Kaminaro, standing up from behind where the car had exploded, "But it's effects can range to inanimate objects as well, causing things like combustion to occur if a car's parts were to be faulty."

"He's pressuring us to fight close," explained Medusa, "If I were to fight him, my attacks won't be enough pressure and he can just go to another car. You'd have to attack him with your punishing deathly moves."

Izaru rushed in, taking in the bait that Kaminaro had set up, avoiding the brown smoke that he could clearly see. Yet something was wrong!

"This brown smoke!" thought Izaru, "It's slowly approaching me! Does he have control of it?"

Kaminaro looked straight at Izaru's eyes.

The sense of dread was upon Izaru. Was this a bluff? Some sort of trick? Thinking was always so difficult for him, and now he had to make such a life threatening decision.

Izaru ducked, sweeping Kaminaro's feet with his leg and safely advancing towards aggression. He then punched Kaminaro once in the stomach, sending him flying and crashing into a car, causing a dent to form. Kaminaro spat out blood, unable to move from the ground due to shock. However, the offensive attack was careless. A blister began to form around Izaru's neck.

"My time is now limited on this place," mumbled Izaru, cursing to himself.

"S-such power..." mumbled Kaminaro, blood seeping from his mouth, trying his best to stand up, "I-I just need to hold out... but the pain will be worth it...."

"Your wounds...." said Izaru as his eyes widened.

"They're healing..." mumbled Kaminaro, smiling, "I guess this is stemmed from the dead cells of the unawakened form of Plague..."

It's not healing. Kaminaro knew that and decided to bluff about it. His Plague Magia was simply recreating the dead cells on Kaminaro's skins and organs to make them temporarily function. It wasn't much, but he could attempt to add pressure.

"Then I just have to kill you before time runs out," said Izaru, putting up his fists.

Blood of the GuiltyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz