Memory 24: Subduction

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"Shiroiyuki..." whispered Minny as her spear was crafted in her hand, "I'm sorry, but I'll have to take you down."

Izaru's skin turned to a metallic material, "I don't go down so easily."

Izaru already rushed in, attempting to punch Minny. However, from the chill of her spine, she dodged the attack, and struck back with the ice spear jabbing into his back!


The ice spear had instantly broke into pieces! Minny jumped away, regaining her composure and crafting another Shiroiyuki in her hand.

"There's no doubt about it," thought Minny, "This guy can break even Shiroiyuki, which is stronger than most weapons. Not to mention, a single punch from him could kill me, as Exodus had explained with his fight with Yosuke."

Izaru lunged at Minny again, throwing rapid punches at her. Minny dashed backwards and threw her spear, which broke upon contact with Izaru's forehead. It seemed impossible to subdue a man who couldn't be injured. Yosuke's chains were much more suitable to keep distance and to restrain him. restrain him.

"I just need to restrain him with something!" Minny thought with her epiphany.

Minny began formulating something within her hands, slowly growing until it rested upon the ground. Exodus' eyes had widened.

"Hey.." she mumbled, "Isn't that...?"

Minny held in her hands an exact replica of Yosuke's chains, made out of ice. If damage wasn't her priority, she just had to restrain Izaru. Now all she had to do was to adapt to the chains and their fighting style.

Izaru didn't care about the new weapons that Minny had obtained. He had already fought against Yosuke countless times. As Minny outstretched the chains and swung them to attack, Izaru had instantly grabbed the chains, and pulled her in!

However, unlike Yosuke's chains, the ice chains had instantly melted in Izaru's hand, splashing forth and blinding him! That's when Minny took advantage of the lack of sight, creating new ice chains to wrap around Izaru's neck. Minny stomped on the ground, pulling on the chains and bringing Izaru down to the ground.


"What?" thought Minny, "It wasn't enough? I'm sure that I pulled hard enough to suffocate him and make him black out!"

"Choking isn't going to help you out in a situation like this," smiled Izaru as he slowly stood up, "I don't exactly know why, almost as if a voice was telling me, but I trained my neck to withstand any type of choking, even to an infinite amount of strength. There's just no way you're subduing me!"

Minny slightly panicked, running away as Izaru continued with his flurry of offensive attacks. Minny touched the floor, pushing away to cause her to leap from Izaru faster. As Izaru punched through the floors of the mansion, Michael began to worry for the costs of the repairs.

Soon, Minny had run out of stamina. She, exhausted, rested on the floor, with Izaru in front of her.

"You know," said Izaru, "I didn't expect you to run out of stamina that fast."

"My Ice Magia is very stamina consuming, despite how it looks," panted Minny, "I'm glad that I at least practiced with it a little when I was in amnesia."

"Two spears and two chains is consuming for you?" asked Izaru, "I do wonder the capacity of Magia usage. I've never once really seen a Magia user tire out... you're a first."

"I'm glad..." smiled Minny, "Hopefully, my efforts wouldn't be for a waste...

You see, ice comes in many forms, because they are a product of water, a liquid that can take the form of any shape it's in. Snow, sleet, hail... they're all the same form of water and ice, a generalization of the term. Have you figured it out yet?

Ice can be as clear as water as well."

Upon hearing those words, Izaru had finally noticed what was going on. During his time fighting Minny and chasing her throughout the mansion, Minny was setting up traps, slowly depleting her stamina. Now, it was clear as day as the chains made out of ice had surrounded Izaru. He was stuck like a fly in a cobweb.

"Good luck," smiled Minny as she formed an ice pistol with the last of her Magia, firing at Izaru had to cause him to stumble back.

As Izaru touched one of the ice chains, the other millions of ice chains surrounding the mansion immediately wrapped around Izaru, preventing him from moving. These chains were on another level of strength, something that Izaru couldn't bust out of due to their tight sealing.


"What?" thought Minny in panic, "How? I used up all of my Magia just for that!"

However, after closer inspection, it wasn't Izaru who had broke the ice chains. It was another person, who hid in the shadows of Izaru, a green figure that lurked right by his side.

"Hey Minny!" yelled Exodus, calling attention to Yosuke's notebook.

"Thank you for subduing Izaru, Minny," the notebook that Yosuke carried had said, "I'd like you all to meet this person, the creator of the Magia Orbs:

Medusa Slifer."

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