Memory 25: Medusa

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Majestika and Azarthoth were not the only outwardly rulers of the Multiverse. They had divided amongst themselves into four sections:  The angels, the guardians, the gods, and the gorgons.

The angels were under direct rule by Majestika, helping balance within all of the Multiverse. They would fly to different parts of a world they rule over to establish order.

The guardians were under their own rule. Once ruled over by Azarthoth, who began eating the reality squares, they decided to do what they wanted for their own pleasure or interest.

The gods were under rule by Law, who was of equal power with Majestika. They would rule over certain laws to help restore the balance between the Law Shifts of the multiverse.

And finally, the gorgons: Creatures created by Azarthoth to give a little "spice" for the multiverse. They are also known as "The Creators of the Key Orbs."

In this multiverse, there are two sources of power; Key and Lock. Lock being a source of power that gains new potential to be more powerful, and Key that already has completed the height of potential and is assisted by artificial objects. Whether they are called Magia or Godly Abilities, they are the same. Key Orbs were just a way to obtain these powers of full potential to those without it.

However, due to the overwhelming power of such Key Orbs, they've been exterminated by the angels under order of Majestika. Soon, the removal of these Key Orbs were in place to prevent any more potential disasters in place.

The last gorgon is Medusa Slifer. She's the reason as to why the world holds so many Key Orbs in different locations. In order to live, gorgons must excrete Key Orbs, which take up some energy. Gorgons cannot simply stop producing Key Orbs as they were created by Azarthoth that way.

Medusa, being the last gorgon, was sent to be exterminated by three angels: Ichi, Ni, and San. Ichi, Ni, and San were the top angels by Majestika, but their recent failure to capture a certain angel had resulted in their desperate attempts to get better. As such, they were appointed by Andrew, Majestika's advisor, to hunt down the last gorgon: Medusa.

They did manage to track her down, and wound her, leaving Medusa bruised and beaten in an alleyway, bleeding to death. That was when, once two friends, Yosuke and Izaru had met Medusa on their way to Yosuke's apartment.

It was no doubt that Medusa was a beautiful woman, and Izaru, being simple as he was, was bewitched, begging Yosuke to help him out. Yosuke hesitantly agreed, despite his affiliations with Proiettilo as an information specialist.

It was then that their apartment had gotten ambushed by San, one of the exterminator angels. Izaru used his Titanium Magia to fight alongside Medusa, but it wasn't enough. They had almost died until Medusa used up the last of her power to create a Key Orb for Yosuke to use, who would received Chain Magia, defeating San.

Soon, they became great friends with each other, and after Medusa explained, they looked for alternatives to help Medusa stop creating Key Orbs so that Majestika would no longer target her. Michael was one of the recipients who would have an answer for this question, as his parents had studied in the supernatural for quite a while due to Michael's Magia. However, this method was incredibly dangerous as it involved fusing with another person. That's why they decided to look for another alternative.

However, they were attacked once again by Ni, another exterminator angel. He was much stronger than San, but with the combined powers of the four, they were able to defeat the angel and gain some form of information about Ichi, the last and most powerful exterminator angel.

It was by the beach that Yosuke had thanked Medusa for giving him the ability to fight, and to hold his own. However, Medusa returned his thank you with a thanks of her own, for helping her live and survive in this cruel world.

This left an opening, where Ichi would barge in and try to kill Medusa by drowning her. Her lack of energy was her most vulnerable point, but Izaru and Yosuke would soon overcome it and defeat Ichi, killing him and ending the huntings.

With Majestika no longer hunting Medusa, Medusa could just produce Key Orbs within the mansion of Michael, so that no one would be able to obtain them. However, before that plan would be created, Yosuke had found out that Medusa ate humans to sap their energy to actually produce these Key Orbs. The Key Orbs were a product of stored human energy!

Yosuke would try to fight Medusa, who wouldn't stop eating the humans because of her need to survive. In the process, Yosuke's vocal chords were torn off by Medusa, and soon, even Izaru sided along Medusa, thinking that Yosuke was crazy for trying to kill her.

Upon realizing that Majestika was trying to exterminate Medusa because of her threat to humans, Yosuke decided to fight against Medusa and Izaru. He then used Quantum Entanglement to fuse their bodies together, putting them as one person, with Medusa sharing Izaru's energy without the need to create Key Orbs.

Although this was the best way to solve all of the problems, it ended in the constant dispute between Izaru and Yosuke that happens even today. Their once great friendship between the three of them were torn apart by Medusa's existence, who Izaru had believed to be innocent.

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