Memory 6: Feels Just Like Home

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"I request comfort," mumbled Exodus as she fell onto the couch, hitting her head on the armrest but pretending not to feel the pain, "This is comfy living."

The apartment was very small compared to their mansion back in Italy, but it felt like it had the same warmth to it. As Exodus began snoring on the couch, Yosuke had helped Minny unpack her belongings.

After unpacking, Minny offered Yosuke some dinner to celebrate their safe voyage to Akihabara, but Yosuke refused. As Minny ate her leftover lunch from the airport, she noticed that Yosuke had began posting up a bulletin board.

"What's that?" asked Minny, "Like the bulletin boards for detective shows?"

Yosuke nodded his head and began putting up documents that the previous investigators from the Akihabara Proiettilo branch had already created.

"The suspects.. are mainly women and children," noted Minny as she stared at the board, "How awful.."

"It seems like this Magia user has been targeting those who are most vulnerable," wrote Yosuke, "As such, it seems like even our own gang members are going missing from this person. I was hoping that you two could act as some sort of bait, but even then, I question your abilities. No offense."

"You have every right to," replied Minny, looking down on the ground shamefully, "Ever since I've lost my memories, I've struggled to find out how to use my Magia. I'm pretty much a newbie. However, I can't say the same for Exodus. She may be asleep right now, but she's an experienced member of the gang."

"Then I trust that you two can potentially act out as bait to lure this Magia user in?"

"Gladly. You can count on us!"

Yosuke looked around the apartment and wrote on his notebook, "Good. You can start by heading over to the Inuma Restaurant. It's a commonly popular restaurant known for its good food. With that, you could stay there, eat a while then head back home, making sure no one could follow you."

"Alright. We'll take a rest for today and do that tomorrow. Thank you for introducing us to Akihabara, Mr. Yosuke!"

Yosuke waved before heading out the door.

Minny sat at the dinner table in silence, finishing her lunch and reflecting on the conversation that took place.

"I don't know what he said," spoke up Exodus, revealing that she wasn't actually asleep, "But are you really sure to rely on me, Minny? Eck.. I've only got one arm, you know. Rotation can only do so much too."

"Well, out of the two of us, you're clearly the most powerful one right now!" replied Minny.

"I may be the most powerful one right now.. but I'm still me. There's nothing that has changed. I'm pretty damn reckless, and without Boss being here to heal us, or Inferno to provide back up and firepower, we could be in a very tight spot. You've got to be willing to risk your life for this mission. You've got to find out how to control your Magia. For the both of us."

"Alright.. I'll try my best. At this rate, I could only make little fragments of ice in water bottles."

Exodus sat up from the couch, "I'm hungry. Throw me an apple."

Minny threw an apple at Exodus, hitting her head and knocking her down.

"Ah! God damn it!" yelled Exodus, massaging her head, "Why'd you have to throw so hard?"

"Sorry.. I'm just a little tense."

"We've experienced greater danger," said Exodus as she bit into the apple, "The only difference is that this time we need to be careful. So we're heading to a restaurant, right?"

"Yeah, I think so. Let me connect to the wi-fi so that I could see where we'd have to go."

"Alright," replied Exodus as she went back to lying down on the couch, "Wake me up when we need to go."

"You don't plan on showering?" asked Minny, "I've always wanted to try the Japanese style here."

However, Exodus was already asleep. Minny sighed and went ahead and began getting ready for bed. She'd still think about the conversation she had with Yosuke and Exodus, and how she needed to improve or risk dying in the mission.

To kill, or be killed.

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