Memory 5: Moving In

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"Finally," grumbled the woman, walking out of the bus into her stop, "The people at that bus were giving me a hard time, and this one woman kept making faces at me. The gall of these people, can't they see I'm pregnant?"

As the woman stepped out of the bus, other passengers began to leave as well. The woman proceeded to walk down the street, looking at her phone and scrolling through her feed. She giggled and smiled whenever she came across a post she found humorous.

"I should post a picture of my new hairstyle when I get home," thought the woman, "I'd get lots of likes for it, I bet."

Around her usual corner, she'd look up, trying to find her house number. She crossed the street, ready to enter the house when..


"What's that?" thought the woman, peeping around the corner of her house, staring at the trash cans, "There better not be another tanuki in there."

She grumbled, walking away from her front door to check the side of her house. Once she opened the trash can..

She found nothing but the junk that her husband had threw away last night. She was annoyed.

"I can't believe he didn't throw out the trash today," thought the woman, closing the trash can with a huff, "What kind of worthless husband do I hav—"

Her train of thought was stopped when she realized that there was a man blocking her way from the side of the house. He seemed to wear a suit, and a fashioned tie: something that a normal employee would wear in a company.

"What do you want?" asked the lady in annoyance, "If you want to sell me something, I don't want to hear it. I'm pregnant you know, so make way!"

But the man kept staring at the woman. He didn't budge or move at all. It was at that moment that the woman realized that this person was one of the people in the bus who were making faces at her. However, his expression seemed to be relaxed.

"I'm asking you again," restated the woman, a bit hesitant on her words, feeling the uneasiness of the aura that the man was giving off, "What do you want?"

"It's such a shame that such beauty has to have such a disgusting attitude, and a declining figure," the man spoke up.

"Do you have a problem with me being pregnant?" yelled the woman, clearly in frustration from the man's remarks, "I'll have you know my husband's in my home right now! I can give him a call and he'll get up here and beat your ass! Maybe I'll even call the police for this verbal assau—"

The woman stopped talking and quickly leaned against the wall. The man noticed that fluids were leaking from underneath her dress. He was in clear awe of what was happening.

"Wait.. time out.." mumbled the woman, panting, "This stress.. I think my water broke.. I need you to call an ambulance please.. we can continue this later.. I just need some help right now."

"It wasn't stress," smiled the man in awe, "I didn't think that my Magia would make such an effect towards a person. I guess it would make sense given your new transformation I desire."

"Magia..? Transformation...?" mumbled the woman in confusion, slowly falling to the ground, "Please.. this really hurts! Call an ambulance!"

"Don't worry. I'll be helping you from now on."

The woman began to groan in agony, her hair falling apart. Was this from stress? From the water breaking? She was in a state of shock and confusion. Was this the man's doing? Soon, she realized that even her skin began to deteriorate, chipping away as its flakes began to shower upon the ground.

She reached her hand at the man, cursing him but at the same begging for help from him. She didn't know what to do or feel as her body began to decline. Her pores began to bleed soon, and the skin that surrounded her fingers began to peel. Soon, she couldn't even call for help as her vocal chords were too dry. She could only watch as the man came closer and closer to her as she laid on the ground. Soon, she couldn't even see because her eyes were losing their moisture. She felt pain all over, but couldn't express it.

At that moment, her belly began to open up, the dress tearing. Blood began to run from the hole, and a small cry was heard from inside the belly. A small organism was squirming around, exposed to the fresh air as it swam around in the blood.

"Well.. well..." smiled the man in pure ecstasy, unzipping his pants, "It's... a girl! I've never seen one this close... never felt one this... fresh. The more the merrier I'd say.. the more the merrier."

Soon, even the wails and cries from the tiny organism began to disappear as the man moved in. The woman, not knowing what was happening to her or her child, wished for death, for her life to be taken away from her. She couldn't bare to experience what was happening.

Yet, life was not as merciful to her. Her brain was still intact, and she felt everything that was happening to her and her child. She felt nothing but pain as her last moments of life on this planet were being soiled.

Leaving behind nothing but a tainted memory for others.

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