Memory 23: The Orb

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What do you desire the most?

"I want.." thought Kaminaro, not understanding what was happening, " disappear from the minds of these people around me."

Very well. You shall get your wish for destroying the Magia Orb.

Kaminaro opened his eyes. He found out that Minny, Exodus, and Yosuke were all on the ground, unconscious. Was this the result of the Magia Orb? Nonetheless, this was quite the advantage for Kaminaro.

Smiling, Kaminaro raised his hand, attempting to control the plague that surrounded the concrete. Yet... nothing happened.

"What...?" thought Kaminaro to himself, slightly panicking, "Where's my Magia...? Why can't I control anything? Just what happened to me?

I'll have to end their lives now without my Magia! Before they wake up!"

However, just as Kaminaro was stepping forward, Exodus and Yosuke began moving around. They were slowly waking up.

"Shit!" thought Kaminaro, backing away from the bodies, "It's all over for me! I'm defenseless!"

"Who... are you...?" asked Exodus, her eyelids trying to close, "What... am I doing here?"

"You.. don't know who you are?"

"I'm.. Exodus.. a member of Proiettilo... This.. is Akihabara, isn't it? I'm supposed to be finding a murderer.. where is he?"

That's when it all clicked. Kaminaro had wished for them to forget him, and in doing so, he managed to remove their memories of him! Kaminaro had to take this advantage and leave. He turned the other way and began running, not even answering Exodus' question.

"Hey..." mumbled Minny, the last one to wake up, "He's... escaping... someone stop him!"

"Stop who..?" asked Exodus in mild confusion.

"The murderer..!" mumbled Minny, unable to process what was happening, "Kaminaro.. Suzumiya... I..."

Something greater had plagued Minny's mind. Although it didn't seem like the Magia Orb had affected her; it did affect her memories. From before the bullet had shot her head, she could finally remember everything that was taught to her. She had her memories back!

"Everything's... come back to me... and I was so naive..." mumbled Minny, before her eyes closed shut.

So did Exodus, and Yosuke as well, lying down on the ground silently as Kaminaro had escaped their grasp.

A few days have past since the disappearance of Kaminaro Suzumiya. It seems that no one has found them at all. It even had to take a few moments for Exodus and Yosuke to jog their memories about Kaminaro, but in the end, even if they were told it, they just couldn't remember him.

This is the mansion that Michael Tsui owns. Exodus, Minny, and Yosuke have decided to set up their headquarters there, which had more legroom. Michael, on the other hand, was a little concerned about what they were plotting, only lending the space for the mansion because he was pressured to do so. It was also because Yosuke was one Michael's power friend.

"So... what do you guys plan to do now?" finally asked Michael, getting the courage to speak in their silence.

Minny sighed, "Chances are he probably won't be killing anymore. However, we know of their name now. Yet... we still need to find out first what the Magia Orb had done to him before we could encounter him again. Who knows if we could be in trouble?"

"There's lots of trouble if you were to go in blindly," smiled Christ, in a rat form by the desk.

"A rat!" yelled Michael in panic, "Gryphon, kill the rat!"

"As you wish sir," said Gryphon, hastily walking towards the rat.

"Wait!" exclaimed Minny, "It's alright. That's just Christ. He's with us... he helped me train my Magia during my amnesia."

"I suppose.. it's time that you learn about the advancements to Magia," wrote Yosuke on his notebook.

"Advancements to Magia?" asked Minny, digging into her memories, "You mean... a Magia Awakening? I could only recall that I performed one long ago, before I even met Persona."

"An awakening yes.. but to truly understand Magia Awakening, we'd need more information," wrote Yosuke on his notebook once again, "Izaru Daisuki is a man who holds this information. We'll have to subdue him and bring him here."

"Minny," said Exodus, "I'm sure you're able to handle Izaru and bring him over here? Your Magia is more suited for kidnapping anyways."

"My Magia is more for assassinations thank you very much..." mumbled Minny, "But sure, I'll be able to bring him in."

"Remember to subdue him first before bringing him in," wrote Yosuke.

"Got it," said Minny, flashing a thumbs up as she left the mansion.


"What happened to subduing him?" yelled Exodus in confusion as Izaru was thrown onto the table.

"Can't you see?" yelled Minny, "He broke out!"

"You'll pay for this!" yelled Izaru, noticing Yosuke in the corner of his eye, "So you're the one who commanded this too! And you!"

Izaru stared at Michael, who yelped in fear.

"Let me at him," said Minny, "I'll subdue him, just like I said!"

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